Пламенный посланник [Plamennyy poslannik] [English translation]
Пламенный посланник [Plamennyy poslannik] [English translation]
The flaming messenger
Cries but burns.
Allow me a visit
To learn what he's talking about.
Why are his eyes
In righteous flames?
Why are they fastened on me?
Flaming messenger
Of heady ideas,
Why is there so much
Truth for people in your words?
Why do your stories
Trouble my sleep and rest,
Flowing into my heart like a flaming river?
Flaming messenger,
Why do your words
Turn my simple heart
Into a lion's heart?
To find a hero in me?
To yield the fire in me?
I'll reveal it to you: I've already been burnt by you.
Flaming messenger,
I used to be like you,
I used to cry with desire
To be the pearl of beauty,
I used to argue to my beloved
That the world hates hustle,
That light does not carry darkness in it.
Flaming messenger,
Take your letter,
Rush like a hot arrow
Back home to your cloud ten,
Tell them I don't see a point
In self-immolation for the people,
In pursuing righteous ideas.
Take back your message
Together with the tarot cards,
Tell them that my people,
Simple in their wishes yet righteous,
Don't want needless troubles
Where everything is pre-determined,
They only want bread and movies.
Flaming messenger,
Take back your letter,
I promised my coutry and my mother
To be a straight arrow,
I promised my beloved
Not to be a role model for the people,
Not to be a flaming heart in the darkness.
- Artist:Pavel Kashin
- Album:Пламенный посланник