РадиоВьетнам [RadioVietnam] [English translation]
РадиоВьетнам [RadioVietnam] [English translation]
Now there's no need to fear
And it's easy to let go
When I was going crazy,
My art 1 saved me
Your world remained flat2
It's like scraps of dreams,
It's cut into straps
And sewn from rags
I don't believe in omens
But I see a good sign 3
And all the shards of light
Will be in my fist
I haven't got to know death yet,
Let's put off the meating with it
There's so much left to sing
RadioVietnam doesn't give up,
I won't let anyone take you
The help is just
About to come
It doesn't matter anymore
Where the ways have parted
But you cannot step twice
Into the same river.
I know it's uneasy
To accept my world as it is
My uknown island
Is uninhabited at all
I don't believe in omens
But I see a good sign
And all the shards of light
Will be in my fist
1. Literally "craft" or "occupation", but I'm quite sure that he's implicating his music here2. A possible hint at Pratchett's Discworld, "Плоский мир" or lit. "Flat world" in Russian translations3. I've separated these two meanings, although both "знак" and "примета" can be translated as "omen" here
- Artist:Bi-2