RIP [English translation]
RIP [English translation]
A bimbo1 scare
On the dance floor she lands
Causes a slaughter
I'm preaching to a choir girl
With a RIP tatoo
Life flies by as fast as an angel
You and me
would be heavens
The days go by, I remain2
Wait for Epiphany
but I hear only weeping,
suspended sorrows3
Altos sound like minor
I hear Epistrophy4
I wait for the day to die
Everything goes when night falls.
Under the orange light
I wait for my delivery
An explosive mix
No more no-way streets5
Just a boulevard6
I can already feel my legs buckling
You and me
would be heavens
The days go by, I remain
Wait for Epiphany
but I hear only weeping,
suspended sorrows
Altos sound like minor
I hear Epistrophy
I wait for the day to die
Everything goes when night falls.
1. play on "bombe" : bomb / bimbo2. from Apollinaire's "le pont Mirabeau"3. play on "peine" : sorrow / sentence4. a jazz standard5. a rather cliché pun on the literal meaning of "sens interdit" : "forbidden senses" as in "forbidden sensual pleasure"6. this can also mean "a lot of latitude to do whatever you want"
- Artist:BB Brunes