Z 626 Dido and Aeneas III, 3: "Your counsel all is urged in vain". [Neapolitan translation]
Z 626 Dido and Aeneas III, 3: "Your counsel all is urged in vain". [Neapolitan translation]
Your counsel all is urged in vain
To Earth and Heav'n I will complain!
To Earth and Heav'n why do I call?
Earth and Heav'n conspire my fall.
To Fate I sue, of other means bereft
The only refuge for the wretched left.
See, Madam, see where the Prince appears;
Such Sorrow in his looks he bears
As would convince you still he's true.
[enter Aeneas]
What shall lost Aeneas do?
How, Royal Fair, shall I impart
The God's decree, and tell you we must part?
Thus on the fatal Banks of Nile,
Weeps the deceitful crocodile
Thus hypocrites, that murder act,
Make Heaven and Gods the authors of the Fact.
By all that's good ...
By all that's good, no more!
All that's good you have forswore.
To your promis'd empire fly
And let forsaken Dido die.
In spite of Jove's command, I'll stay.
Offend the Gods, and Love obey.
No, faithless man, thy course pursue;
I'm now resolv'd as well as you.
No repentance shall reclaim
The injur'd Dido's slighted flame.
For 'tis enough, whate'er you now decree,
That you had once a thought of leaving me.
Let Jove say what he will: I'll stay!
Away, away! No, no, away!
No, no, I'll stay, and Love obey!
To Death I'll fly
If longer you delay;
Away, away!.....
[Exit Aeneas]
But Death, alas! I cannot shun;
Death must come when he is gone.
- Artist:Henry Purcell
- Album:Live at the Israeli Opera, June 2018.