The Airborne Toxic Event: The Airborne Toxic Event

News   2025-01-06 08:38:45

It's oddly reassuring that while bands like No Age

and Abe Vigoda pump new life into L.A.'s musical bloodstream, blandly competent

groups like The Airborne Toxic Event crank out the modern-day equivalent of

Sunset Strip sleaze. The outfit's debut includes 10 songs, at least two of

which are about a fresh-faced innocent arriving in the draining city fresh off

the bus ("Missy") and "all these drugs and one-night stands" (the

unintentionally ironically titled "Something New"). Somewhere, Axl is smiling.

Their riffs are appropriately of the moment: "Sometime After Midnight" has

Arcade Fire guitars and bombast to spare, but mostly, The Airborne Toxic Event

sounds like another emo variant on post-punk, all start-stop jangle guitars.

Lead vocalist Mikel Jollett toggles between a deep-voiced croon ("Papillon")

and high-pitched whining. It's all perfectly competent and smoothly produced,

and it's polished within an inch of its life. It's also lifeless: The Airborne

Toxic Event appears to live in some kind of social vacuum solely occupied by

bands, where everyone's busy drinking and breaking up without ever getting

together, wondering when they'll experience a genuine emotion without a hint of


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