Maisie Peters Lyrics
[Verse 1: James Bay] I know it's not how you planned it But that's not the worst thing in the world I know that you're scared 'Cause you think I'll le...
Funeral [Turkish translation]
[Kıta 1: James Bay] İşleri böyle planlamamıştın, biliyorum Ama bu dünyadaki en kötü şey değil Korktuğunu biliyorum Çünkü seni tekrar hayal kırıklığına...
Maybe Don't lyrics
I should hang up the phone, you said, "Maybe don't." And I think I should go, you said, "Maybe don't." 'Cause I run from the things that I want the mo...
Maybe Don't [Russian translation]
Я должна бы поднять трубку, ты сказал: "Может, не стоит" И я думаю, мне пора идти, ты сказал: "Может, не стоит" Ведь я бегу от вещей, которых хочу бол...
Best I'll Ever Sing lyrics
Maybe I'm better off A little taller now you're gone Writing words and they don't sting But they don't mean half as much without you listening The cry...
Best I'll Ever Sing [Turkish translation]
belki de biraz daha uzun olmam daha iyidir, gittin sözleri yazmak ve onlar canımı yakmıyor ama sen dinlemediğin sürece bi anlamları yok piyanonun başı...
Birthday lyrics
You would always show up late A deck of excuses in your hands I would be the first to claim I didn't mind I understand I put all my songs into a tape ...
Birthday [Italian translation]
Vieni sempre in ritardo Un mazzo di scuse in mano Saresti il primo a dire che a me non importava Capisco Ho messo tutte le mie canzoni in un video Tut...
Birthday [Polish translation]
Zawsze pojawiasz się spóźniony, z mnóstwem usprawiedliwień pod ręką. Będę pierwsza, która stwierdzi, że nie szkodzi i że rozumiem. Nagrałam na taśmę w...
Birthday [Spanish translation]
Acostumbrabas a llegar siempre tarde, con una baraja de excusas en las manos. Yo era la primera en decir que no me importaba, lo entiendo. Grabé todas...
Birthday [Turkish translation]
Hep geç gelirdin, bir deste mazeretle elinde, ilk ben olurdum “önemi yok” diyen. Anlıyorum, bir kasete kaydetmiştim bütün şarkılarımı, bütün sözlerimi...
Caffeine lyrics
You used to tell me I'm no good at looking out for you Looking out for you You said that I don't see clearly and that I will twist my point of view My...
Daydreams lyrics
I was unattached He was quite a catch with a nose ring Serves coffee on the side Looks handsome in a tie and he knows it Step into my taxi Pull away, ...
Elvis Song lyrics
(You were always on my mind) Cold bench on a platform Last train on the Northern Line I'm trying to keep you out my mind Too drunk for a drawbridge Yo...
Enough For You lyrics
I took it hard Try not to fall apart But I like your eyes with your glasses off Lipstick so nice when it’s 12 o clock 'Cause I see you then We talk ab...
Favourite Ex lyrics
It was open and closing And hopelessly hoping for sure We were here, we were ghosting Both of us coasting on, just Give a little more It was all out m...
Favourite Ex [Russian translation]
Всё было и открыто, но закрывалось И безнадёжно надеясь наверняка Мы были здесь, мы были призраками Мы катились по инерции, просто Чтобы получить чуть...
Feels Like This lyrics
Who cares bout stars signs I'm hard wired to be with you You’re like a sunrise And I'm scared that I'll never get enough of you Nobody called it a sta...
I'm Trying [Not Friends] lyrics
[Verse 1] London twenty twenty Boy and a girl broke up, yeah, it's two a penny And I been tryna make a big step forward Saw you, it was awkward Nothin...
I'm Trying [Not Friends] [Turkish translation]
[Kıta 1] Londra 2020 Bir oğlan ve kız ayrıldı, evet, pek de değersizlerdi Ve ileriye doğru büyük bir adım atmaya çalıştım Seni gördüm, aşırı tuhaftı O...
Maisie Peters
United Kingdom
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