Sex Pistols Also Performed Pyrics
My Way lyrics
And now, the end is near, And so I face the final curtain. My friend, I’ll say it clear1, I’ll state my case of which I’m certain: I’ve lived a life t...
My Way [Arabic translation]
والآن النهاية قريبة وأواجه [هبوط] الستار الأخير [بعد ما انتهت المسرحيّة] يا صديقي, سأقول بوضوح سأعبّر عن قضيّتي الّتي أنا متأكّد منها قد عشت حياة مليئ...
My Way [Arabic translation]
و الآن ,باتت النهاية قريبة و أرى نفسي بصدد مواجهة الفصل الأخير من حياتي يا صاحبي,سأقولها بكل وضوح سأستعرض تجربتي تلك التي أنا متأكد منها لقد عشت حياة ...
My Way [Belarusian translation]
Вось зараз блiзак скон Перад вачыма подых цемры Сябрук, на гэты конт, дам прыклад мой, у якiм я ýпэýнен Цiкава, паýнавартна жыý, Безлiч дарог прашпацы...
My Way [Bosnian translation]
I sada je kraj blizu Poslednja zavesa prijeti da padne Prijatelju moj, reci cu to jasno Ja sam siguran u tu stvar. Ja sam u zivotu mnogo prosao Vidio ...
My Way [Bulgarian translation]
Сега, края е близо И тъй аз вдигам последната завеса Приятелю, ще го кажа ясно Ще си изложа случая, в който съм сигурен Живях пълноценен живот Пропъту...
My Way [Bulgarian translation]
И сега, когато краят е близо и се спуска последната завеса, Приятелю, ще бъда откровен и ще разкрия за себе си това, което знам със сигурност. Живях п...
My Way [Chinese translation]
现在,我的末日将近, 面临人生的最后落幕, 我的朋友,我要说个清楚, 向你讲述我的人生之路。 我活过一个充实的人生, 我经历过每一段路途, 而更重要的是, 我用自己的方式。 遗憾,也有一些吧, 算不上多,不值一提。 我做了该做的一切, 洞悉世事,不求赦免。 我规划过每一段人生, 每一个细微的脚步, ...
My Way [Croatian translation]
I sad, kraj je blizu I tako suočavam se s posljednjim zastorom Prijatelju moj, reći ću ti jasno Izložit ću svoj slučaj u koji sam siguran Živio sam ži...
My Way [Czech translation]
A nyní, konec se blíží a tak čelím závěrečné oponě. Příteli můj, řeknu to jasně, uvedu svůj případ, kterým jsem si jist: Žil jsem život plnohodnotný, ...
Anarchy in the U.K.
Right! Now ha, ha I am an anti-Christ I am an anarchist, Don't know what I want But I know how to get it I want to destroy the passer by 'Cause I want...
Anarchy in the U.K. [Turkish translation]
İngiltere'de Anarşi Hemen şimdi Ben hristiyanlık karşıtıyım Ve bir anarşistim Ne istediğimi değil ama nasıl alacağımı biliyorum Yok etmek istiyorum , ...
Belsen Was a Gas
Belsen was a gas I heard the other day In the open graves where the jews all lay Life is fun and I wish you were here They wrote on postcards to those...
Ultima Thule - Friggin in the riggin
It was on the good ship Venus By Christ, ya shoulda seen us The figurehead was a whore in bed And the mast was a ten foot penis The captain of this lu...
God Save the Queen
God save the Queen The fascist regime They made you a moron A potential H-bomb God save the Queen She ain't no human being There is no future In Engla...
God Save the Queen [German translation]
Gott schütze die Königin Das faschistische Regime Sie haben dich zu einem Idioten gemacht, Einer potentiellen Wasserstoffbombe Gott schütze die Königi...
Motörhead - God Save the Queen
God save the Queen A fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the Queen She ain't no human being And there's no future In Englan...
God Save the Queen [Croatian translation]
God save the Queen A fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the Queen She ain't no human being And there's no future In Englan...
God Save the Queen [German translation]
God save the Queen A fascist regime They made you a moron Potential H-bomb God save the Queen She ain't no human being And there's no future In Englan...
Lonely Boy
I'm left in misery The girl I love's gone across the see I'm all alone I ain't got no home Mandy was her name Sleepin' was her game She didn't care ab...
Sex Pistols
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Me colé por la puerta de atrás [Italian translation]
Me iré [Portuguese translation]
Me iré [Croatian translation]
Me colé por la puerta de atrás [French translation]
Me vuelve loco lyrics
Lo nuestro [Greek translation]
Me vuelve loco [English translation]
Loco de atar [Russian translation]
Loco de atar [Serbian translation]
Maldita [Croatian translation]
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Maldita [Serbian translation]
Me colé por la puerta de atrás [Greek translation]
Me vuelve loco [French translation]
Loco de atar [French translation]
Me colé por la puerta de atrás lyrics
Me iré [Turkish translation]
Me colé por la puerta de atrás [English translation]
Maldita [Greek translation]
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