Ray Charles Also Performed Pyrics
Born to Lose
Born to lose, I've lived my life in vain Every dream has only brought me pain All my life I've always been so blue Born to lose, and now I'm losing yo...
Sarah Vaughan - Baby Won't You Please Come Home
Baby won't you please come home? 'Cause your mama's all alone I have tried in vain Never no more to call your name When you left you broke my heart Be...
Baby Won't You Please Come Home [Russian translation]
Милый, скажи, – Ты, вернешься домой? Маме твоей жить так скверно одной. Сколько пыталась я, но – не смогла, Имя твое позабыть навсегда. Когда милый уш...
Blues in the Night
My mama done tol' me When I was in pigtails My mama done tol' me A man's gonna sweet-talk and give you the big eyes But when the sweet-talking's done ...
Blues in the Night [Italian translation]
Mia madre me lo ha detto quando avevo le treccine. Mia madre me lo ha detto: “Un uomo parlera 'dolcemente e ti darà i grandi occhi, ma, quando i dolci...
Blues in the Night [Romanian translation]
Mama mea mi-a zis Când încă purtam codiţe Mama mea mi-a zis Un bărbat o să te vrajesca şi o să îţi facă ochi dulci Dar când vraja se termină Un bărbat...
Nat King Cole - Am I Blue?
Got up this morning Along about dawn Without a warning I found she was gone Why should she do it How could she do it She'd never done it Before... Am ...
Am I Blue? [French translation]
Au réveil ce matin à peu près à l'aube sans que je m'en doute elle était partie. Pourquoi a-t-elle fait ça ? Comment a-t-elle pu ? Elle n'aurait jamai...
Am I Blue? [German translation]
Ich bin heute morgen aufgestanden Ungefähr zur Morgendämmerung Ohne Vorwarnung Stellte ich fest, dass sie fort war Warum sollte sie so etwas tun? Wie ...
Am I Blue? [Hungarian translation]
Felkeltem ma reggel, együtt a hajnallal. Figyelmeztetés nélkül, észrevettem hogy elment. Miért kellett ezt tennie? Hogyan tudta megtenni? Sosem tette ...
Am I Blue? [Italian translation]
Stamattina, quando mi sono alzato un po’ prima dell’alba, io mi sono accorto che era andata via, senza alcun preavviso. Perché doveva farlo? Come ha p...
Am I Blue? [Portuguese translation]
levantei nesta manhã quase ao amanhecer sem aviso descobri que ela tinha ido por que ela faria isso? como ela poderia fazer isso? ela nunca teria feit...
Am I Blue? [Romanian translation]
M-am trezit dimineața În jurul timpului de zori Fără nicio avertizare Am aflat că este plecată De ce i-a trebuit s-o facă Cum a putut s-o facă N-ar fi...
Am I Blue? [Spanish translation]
Me levanté esta mañana Junto con el amanecer Sin aviso Vi que ella se había ido Por qué debe hacerlo Como ha podido hacerlo No lo había hecho nunca An...
Am I Blue? [Turkish translation]
Bu sabah kalktım Şafak vakti boyunca Bir uyarı olmadan Onun gittiğini gördüm Neden bunu yapmalı Bunu nasıl yapabildi Bunu asla yapmadı Önce... Üzgün m...
Am I Blue? [Turkish translation]
Bu sabah kalktım nerdeyse şafakta bir haber bırakmadan gittiğini anladım Niçin böyle yaptı bunu nasıl yapabildi Daha önce hiç yapmamştı Üzgün müyüm? Ü...
A Stranger in Town
Just arrived on the seventeen Thought I'd see the old gang again But you know how they come and go I'm just a stranger in town Everywhere everyone I s...
Ain't That Love
Now, baby when you sigh (When you sigh) I wanna sigh with you When you cry (When you cry) I wanna cry some, too Now, ain't that love (Ain't that love)...
Fred Bongusto - Autumn in Rome
Autumn in Rome My heart remembers Fountains where children played Gardens where dreams were made Autumn in Rome Memories like embers glow When I seem ...
Autumn in Rome [Romanian translation]
Toamnă în Roma, Inima mea îşi aminteşte fântânile unde se jucau copiii, Grădinile unde au fost făcute visele. Toamnă în Roma, Amintiri ca jarul strălu...
Ray Charles
United States
Blues, Country music, Jazz, R&B/Soul
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Problem With Love lyrics
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Она Вернётся [Ona Vernyotsa] lyrics
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Body Language lyrics
Как ты прекрасна [Kak ty prekrasna] lyrics
No preguntes lyrics
Popular Songs
Сыновья [Synov'ya] lyrics
Mark Bernes - Тополя [Topolya]
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When I'm Not Near the Boy I Love lyrics
Andy's Chest lyrics
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Срібна тополина [Sribna topolyna] lyrics
Tatyana Kabanova
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (OST)
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Drumsound and Bassline Smith
Instruktsiya po Vyzhivaniyu
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Кръчма е Душата ми [Krachma e Dushata mi] lyrics
One God lyrics
Friendship lyrics
Dream About Me lyrics
Професор [Profesor] lyrics
Land in Sicht lyrics
Solidarität lyrics
Cabaret lyrics
Dikla Hacmon - מה שהלב בחר [Ma She-haLev Bakhar]
Too Young to Love lyrics