Marc Anthony Lyrics
Hasta ayer [Italian translation]
Capite che non pretendo offenderla, neanche la sto rimproverando. Lei è padrona della sua vita, del suo corpo, delle sue notte. Confesso: mi sono inna...
Hasta Que Te Conoci lyrics
No sabía de tristezas ni de lágrimas ni nada que me hicieran llorar yo sabía de cariño, de ternura porque a mi desde pequeño eso me enseñó mamá eso me...
Hasta Que Te Conoci [English translation]
I didn't know of sorrows nor tears nor any thing that made me cry I knew of affection, of tenderness because that's what mum taught me since I was lit...
Hasta Que Te Conoci [French translation]
Je ne connaissais pas les tristesses ni les larmes, ni rien qui ma feraient pleurer Je connaissais l’affection, la tendresse parce que, depuis mon enf...
Hasta Que Vuelvas Conmigo lyrics
Porque andas creyendo en otros, esos que no quieren verme, a tu lado y sin razón de ser Que andan diciendo mentiras, para poder separarnos y arruinar ...
Hasta Que Vuelvas Conmigo [English translation]
Because you are believing in others, in those who don't want to see my by your side and with no reason to exist, who are telling lies so that they can...
Hasta Que Vuelvas Conmigo [Italian translation]
Perche’ credi agli altri a questi che non vogliono vedermi al tuo fianco e senza ragion d’essere che van dicendo bugie per poterci separare e distrugg...
Hipocresía lyrics
Hoy al verte con otro amor así sonriendo tanto yo me quede indiferente Lo que hubo entre los dos murió para siempre tuve que sufrir para olvidar todos...
How Could I lyrics
It was a coldest day in December A day that I always will remember I looked in yours eyes And faced my deepest fear I had drifted too far Far from you...
How Could I [Croatian translation]
Bio je to najhladiji dan u prosincu, dan kojeg ću se zauvijek sjećati.. Pogledao sam u tvoje oči i suočio se sa svojim najdubljim strahovima. Odnešen ...
How Could I [Greek translation]
Ήταν η πιο κρύα μέρα του Δεκεμβρίου Μια μέρα που πάντα θα θυμάμαι Κοίταξα στα μάτια σου Και αντιμετώπισα τον χειρότερό μου φόβο Είχα απομακρυνθεί πολύ...
How Could I [Hungarian translation]
A leghidegebb nap volt decemberben. Az a nap, amire mindig emlékezni fogok. Szemeidbe néztem, és szembe néztem a legmélyebb félelmemmel. Túl messzire ...
How Could I [Romanian translation]
Era o zi friguroasă de decembrie O zi pe care mi-o voi aminti mereu M-am uitat în ochii tăi Și m-am confruntat cu cea mai adâncă teamă a mea M-am înde...
How Could I [Russian translation]
Это был самый холодный день декабря, День, который я всегда буду помнить, Я посмотрел в твои глаза, и столкнулся с самым глубочайшим страхом, Я уплыл ...
How Could I [Turkish translation]
Aralıktaki en soğuk gündü Her zaman hatırlayacağım bir gün (Senin) Gözlerine baktım Ve en derin korkumla yüzleştim Çok uzağa sürüklendim Senden uzağa ...
I Need to Know lyrics
They say around the way you've asked for me There's even talk about you wanting me I must admit that's what I want to hear But that's just talk until ...
I Need to Know [Turkish translation]
Etrafındakiler beni aradığını söylüyorlar Beni arzuladığını bile söylüyorlar Kabul etmeliyim ki bu duymak istediğim şey Ama sadece bir söylenti (olara...
I need you lyrics
From the day that I met you girl I knew that your love would be Everything that I ever wanted in my life From the moment you spoke my name I new every...
I need you [Armenian translation]
Քեզ հանդիպելու օրվանից, սիրունս Գիտեի, որ քո սերն' այն ամենն է Ինչ երբևէ ցանկանում էի ունենալ կյանքում Այն պահից, երբ տվիր անունս Գիտեի, որ ամեն ինչ փ...
I need you [Bulgarian translation]
От деня,в който те срещнах ,момиче, знаех,че твоята любов ще бъде всичко,което някога съм искал в живота. От момента,в който произнесе името ми,знаех,...
Marc Anthony
United States
Spanish, English
Dance, Latino, Pop
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Dog Days Are Over lyrics
Dog Days Are Over [Russian translation]
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Falling [Russian translation]
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Falling lyrics
Dog Days Are Over [Greek translation]
Drumming Song [Russian translation]
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دروغه [Dorooghe] [Russian translation]
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Pordioseros lyrics
آخرین نفس [Aakharin Nafas] [English translation]
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دروغه [Dorooghe] [English translation]
Keeping the Faith lyrics