Monty Python Lyrics
The Ballad of Brave Sir Robin [French translation]
Le chevalier Robin, courageusement hardi, sortit de Camelot. Il n'avait pas peur de mourir, Ô le brave Chevalier Robin! Il n'était pas effrayé de se f...
The Ballad of Brave Sir Robin [Italian translation]
Coraggiosamente il prode sir Robin cavalcò da Camelot. Non aveva paura di morire, o prode sir Robin! Non aveva per niente paura di essere ucciso in mo...
The Ballad of Brave Sir Robin [Polish translation]
Dzielny i zuchwały Lord Robin wyruszył z Camelot. Nie bał się śmierci, o dzielny Lord Robin! Ani trochę nie bał się, że zostanie zabity w okrutny spos...
The Ballad of Brave Sir Robin [Portuguese translation]
O bravo e corajoso Sir Robin cavalgou para Camelot. Ele não tinha medo de morrer, Oh bravo Sir Robin! Ele não tinha nenhum medo de ser morto de maneir...
The Gay Animal Song lyrics
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! What a wonderful audience! Well, look at smell divine! In the Origin of Species Charles Darwin liked to say That dr...
The Gay Animal Song [Polish translation]
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! What a wonderful audience! Well, look at smell divine! In the Origin of Species Charles Darwin liked to say That dr...
The Gay Animal Song [Tongan translation]
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! What a wonderful audience! Well, look at smell divine! In the Origin of Species Charles Darwin liked to say That dr...
The Getty Song lyrics
There's a new place in LA I go there everyday It's The Getty (It's The Getty) Outside it's quite clean But inside it's obscene Is The Getty (Is The Ge...
The Getty Song [Polish translation]
There's a new place in LA I go there everyday It's The Getty (It's The Getty) Outside it's quite clean But inside it's obscene Is The Getty (Is The Ge...
The Meaning of Life lyrics
Why are we here? What's life all about? Is God really real, or is there some doubt? Well, tonight, we're going to sort it all out, For tonight it's 'T...
The Meaning of Life [French translation]
Pourquoi sommes-nous ici? Quelle est la signification de la vie? Dieu est-il vraiment réel, ou il y a-t-il un doute? Eh bien, ce soir, nous allons tou...
The Meaning of Life [Polish translation]
Dlaczego tutaj jesteśmy? O co właściwie chodzi w życiu? Czy naprawdę istnieje Bóg, czy też jest to wątpliwe? Cóż, dziś wieczór uporządkujemy sobie to,...
The Meaning of Life [Romanian translation]
De ce suntem aici? Despre ce-i vorba cu viaţa asta? E oare Dumnezeu adevărat sau e vreo îndoială? Ei bine, diseară o vom rezolva căci diseară e "Sensu...
The Meaning of Life [Turkish translation]
Neden buradayız? Hayatın amacı ne? Tanrı gerçekten var mı, yoksa pek de emin değil miyiz bundan? İşte bu gece bütün bunların çözeceğiz Bu gece İşte ha...
The Silly Walks Song lyrics
Work work money money Work work money money Work work funny money Funny money work work Work work hurry hurry Work work worry worry Work work hurry hu...
The Silly Walks Song [Polish translation]
Praca, praca, pieniądze, pieniądze Praca, praca, pieniądze, pieniądze Praca, praca za śmieszne pieniądze Za śmieszne pieniądze, pracuj, pracuj Pracuj,...
The Silly Walks Song [Tongan translation]
Ngaaue, ngaaue, pa'anga, pa'anga Ngaaue, ngaaue, pa'anga, pa'anga Ngaaue, ngaaue, pa'anga fakava Pa'anga fakava, ngaaue, ngaaue. Ngaaue, ngaaue, vave,...
Monty Python
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