Green Day Featuring Lyrics
The Saints Are Coming lyrics
There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Silver Dawn It's been the ruin of many a poor boy, and God, I know I'm one. I cried to my daddy on the ...
The Saints Are Coming [Albanian translation]
Ka një shtëpi në New Orleans Quhet Dielli qe lind Ka qenë fatkeqësi per shumë djem të varfër O Zot ,e di , jam një nga ata Qava në telefon me atin tim...
The Saints Are Coming [Croatian translation]
Postoji kuća u New Orleansu, zovu je Silver Dawn Propast je za mnoge jadne momke, i Bog, znam Ja sam jedan. Tati sam na telefon plakao Koliko dugo? Do...
The Saints Are Coming [Dutch translation]
Er staat een huis in New Orleans, genaamd de Zilveren Dageraad Het heeft al menig arme jongen in 't verderf gestort en, mijn God, ik weet dat ik er zo...
The Saints Are Coming [Dutch translation]
Er staat een huis in New Orleans, Dat ze de Opkomende Zon noemen. Het heeft al menig arme jongen vernield, En God, ik weet dat ik er één van ben. Ik h...
The Saints Are Coming [French translation]
Il y a une maison en Nouvelle-Orléans, ils l'appellent l'Aurore argenté Ça a été la ruine de plusieurs garçons pauvres, et Dieu, je sais Je suis un. J...
The Saints Are Coming [Greek translation]
Υπάρχει ένα σπίτι στη Νέα Ορλεάνη, το αποκαλούν, η Αργυρά Αυγή. Υπήρξε το ερείπιο πολλών φτωχόπαιδων, και αμάν, ξέρω ότι είμαι. Πήρα κλαίγοντας τον μπ...
The Saints Are Coming [Romanian translation]
În New Orleans se află o casă căreia i se zice Amurgul Argintiu Ea a fost cauza pierzaniei pentru mulţi băieţi săraci şi Doamne, ştiu că Eu sunt unul ...
The Saints Are Coming [Serbian translation]
Postoji jedna kuća u Nju Orleansu,zvali su je Srebrni smiraj Bila je ruševina mnogih siromašnih dečaka,i Boga,znam Da sam jedini Plakao sam tati na te...
The Saints Are Coming [Spanish translation]
Hay una casa en Nueva Orleans que llaman el ”Superdome” Y ha sido un hogar para muchos niños pobres. Y Dios, lo sé. Yo soy uno de ellos. Lloré a mi pa...
The Forgotten lyrics
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Greek translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Hungarian translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Indonesian translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Italian translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Serbian translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Spanish translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
The Forgotten [Turkish translation]
Where in the world's the forgotten? They're lost inside your memory You're dragging on, your heart's been broken As we all go down in history Where in...
Green Day
United States
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Yo canto la diferancia lyrics
Pjesmo Moja [Russian translation]
Pamuk [French translation]
Pjesmo Moja [German translation]
Δε θέλω την συμπόνια κανενός [De thélo tin sympónia kanenós] lyrics
Ono malo sreće lyrics
Ono malo sreće [English translation]
Pisaću joj pisma duga [Bosnian translation]
Ono malo sreće [Turkish translation]
Pamuk [English translation]
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Ono malo sreće [Russian translation]
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