Lucio Battisti Lyrics
Il mio canto libero lyrics
In un mondo che non ci vuole più il mio canto libero sei tu. E l'immensità si apre intorno a noi al di là del limite degli occhi tuoi. Nasce il sentim...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world that doesn't want us anymore you are my free song. And the immensity Opens up around us Way beyond what your eyes can reach A feeling is bo...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world that no longer wants us, my free(dom) song: you are. And the immensity opens itself around us, beyond the limit of your eyes. The sentiment...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world that Does not want us any more You are my chant of freedom: The vastness Opens out all around us Beyond your sight1. That feeling borns, It...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
When the world turns against us, you are my song of freedom In the immense void around us, far beyond what your eyes can see, a feeling is born, born ...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world that doesn’t want us anymore you are my safe harbour. And the immensity opens before us, beyond the limit of our eyes. A feeling is born, b...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world where You no longer want It's you who are my place of liberty And the immensity Unveils itself around us Way beyond what your eyes can see ...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In the world which Doesn't have us any more, My free singing is you. It's the immensity, it's opening around us Beyond your eyes. A sense is getting b...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
In a world that doesn't want us any more you are my harbor of liberty And the immenseness opens around us. Beyond the limit of your eyes the feeling g...
Il mio canto libero [English translation]
– in a world that – doesn’t want us anymore – my free singing – and immensity – opens around us – beyond your eyes boundaries – feeling is born – it’s...
Il mio canto libero [French translation]
Dans un monde qui Ne veut plus de nous Mon chant de liberté, c'est toi Et l'immensité S'ouvre autour de nous Au-delà de la limite de tes yeux. Nait le...
Il mio canto libero [German translation]
In einer Welt die uns nicht mehr will bist Du meine Insel der Freiheit Und die Endlosigkeit öffnet sich um uns jenseits der Grenzen Deiner Augen kommt...
Il mio canto libero [Greek translation]
Σ'έναν κόσμο που Δεν χρειάζεται πια Το ελεύθερο μου τραγούδι είσαι εσύ Και το άπειρο Ανοίγεται γύρω από μας Πέρα από το όριο των ματιών σου Γεννιέται ...
Il mio canto libero [Hungarian translation]
Egy olyan világban Ahol nincsen szükség Az én szabad dalomra, te lehetsz Az a végtelenség Ami köröttünk születik Azon túl amit a szemeiddel látsz Érzé...
Il mio canto libero [Romanian translation]
Într-o lume care Nu ne mai dorește Cântecul meu liber ești tu Și nemărginirea Se deschide în jurul nostru Dincolo de limita ochilor tăi Ia naștere sen...
Il mio canto libero [Russian translation]
В мире, который нас больше не хочет, Моя свободная песня – это ты. Это бесконечность Раскрывается вокруг нас За пределами твоего созерцания. Рождается...
Il mio canto libero [Turkish translation]
Artık bizi istemeyen bir dünyada, özgürlük şarkım sensin. Ve bir enginlik açılıyor çevremizde, sınırını geçince gözlerinin. Doğuyor duygu doğuyor gözy...
Insieme a te sto bene lyrics
Che cosa vuoi da me? Cosa pretendi da me? Se è giusto, non lo so... Elementari sì e no. La donna è donna e tu una donna sei, che importa cosa fai? Res...
Insieme a te sto bene [Dutch translation]
Wat wil je van me Wat verwacht je van me Ik weet niet of het juist is Basisschool, ja of nee Een vrouw is een vrouw en jij bent een vrouw Wie boeit he...
Insieme a te sto bene [English translation]
What do you want from me? What do you expect from me? I'm not sure if this is fair... This is not so elementary, actually. A woman is a woman, and you...
Lucio Battisti
Italian, Spanish, English, French
Blues, Pop, Singer-songwriter
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Лаванда [Lavanda] [Lithuanian translation]
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Колиска вітру [Koliska vitru] [Romanian translation]
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