Randy Newman Lyrics
Marie lyrics
You looked like a princess the night we met With your hair piled up high I will never forget I'm drunk right now baby But I've got to be Or I never co...
Marie [Dutch translation]
Op de avond dat we elkaar ontmoetten zag je eruit als een prinses Met je haar hoog opgestoken Ik zal het nooit vergeten Ik ben dronken, lieverd Maar d...
I Think It’s Going To Rain Today lyrics
Broken windows and empty hallways, A pale dead moon in the sky streaked with gray. Human kindness is overflowing, And I think it's going to rain today...
I Think It’s Going To Rain Today [Dutch translation]
Gebroken ramen en lege vestibules, Een bleke dode maan aan het zwerk met grijze vegen. Menselijke goedheid ten overvloede, En we houwen 't niet droog ...
I Think It’s Going To Rain Today [Hungarian translation]
Törött ablakok és üres előszobák Egy sápadt, halott hold az égen száguldott szürkén Az emberi kedvesség túlcsordul, És szerintem ma esni fog az eső A ...
I Think It’s Going To Rain Today [Turkish translation]
Kırılmış pencereler ve boş koridorlar Solgun ölü ay gökyüzünde griye dönüşüyor İnsan nezaketi bereketleniyor Ve bence bugün yağmur yağacak Korkuluklar...
In Germany Before the War lyrics
In Germany before the war There was a man who owned a store In nineteen hundred thirty four In Düsseldorf And every night at five-o-nine He'd cross th...
In Germany Before the War [German translation]
In Deutschland vor dem Krieg gab es einen Mann, der einen Laden besaß. Es war 1934 in Düsseldorf, und jeden Abend um fünf nach neun ging er durch den ...
In Germany Before the War [Turkish translation]
Savaştan önce Almanya'da Dükkan sahibi bir adam vardı 1934'te Düsseldorf'ta ve her gece saat 9'u 5 geçe Rhine'a doğru parkı adımlardı ve otururdu kıyı...
Beat-up little seagull On a marble stair Tryin' to find the ocean Lookin' everywhere Hard times in the city In a hard town by the sea Ain't nowhere to...
Baltimore [German translation]
Erschöpfte kleine Möwe Auf einer Marmortreppe Versucht den Ozean zu finden Sie sucht ihn überall Harte Zeiten in der City In einer lieblosen Stadt am ...
That'll Do
A kind and steady heart can make a grey sky blue; And a task that seems impossible is quite possible for you. A kind and steady heart is sure to see y...
Albanian Anthem lyrics
A light shines on the goatherd And the snow lingers yet on the ground In the forest deep where the grey wolf sleeps Comes a wonderful, wonderful sound...
Albanian Anthem [Tongan translation]
Ulo ha maama ki he fangamanu kosi Pea fakatuotuai 'e he 'uha hinehina 'i he kelekele 'I he vao 'akau loloto, 'a ia 'oku mohe 'e he fanga uolofe lanu h...
Burn On lyrics
There's a red moon rising On the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Cleveland to the lake There's a red moon rising On the Cuyahoga River Rolling into Clevel...
Burn On [Greek translation]
Υπάρχει ένα κόκκινο φεγγάρι που ανατέλλει Στον ποταμό Cuyahoga που τρεχειστο Κλίβελαντ στη λίμνη Υπάρχει ένα κόκκινο φεγγάρι που ανατέλλει Στον ποταμό...
God's Song [That's Why I Love Mankind] lyrics
Cain slew Abel, Seth knew not why, If the children of Israel were to multiply Why must any of the children die? So I asked the Lord And the Lord said:...
God's Song [That's Why I Love Mankind] [Dutch translation]
Kaïn sloeg Abel dood, Seth wist niet waarom, als de kinderen van Israïl zich moesten vermenigvuldigen Waarom moet er ook maar een van de kinderen ster...
I love LA lyrics
Hate New York City It's cold and it's damp And all the people dressed like monkeys Let's leave Chicago to the Eskimos That town's a little bit too rug...
I love LA [Dutch translation]
Ik haat New York City Het is er koud en vochtig En de mensen lopen erbij als apen De Eskimo's mogen Chicago hebben Die stad is een beetje te ruig Voor...
Randy Newman
United States
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Every Time You Lie [Turkish translation]
Father [Hungarian translation]
Father lyrics
Eyelash [Serbian translation]
Every Time You Lie [Swedish translation]
Blue Hawaii lyrics
Falling Over Me [Italian translation]
Eyelash lyrics
Everything You're Not [Greek translation]
Father [French translation]
Popular Songs
Father [Finnish translation]
Everything You're Not [Azerbaijani translation]
Father [Arabic translation]
Everything You're Not [French translation]
Falling Over Me [Serbian translation]
Fire Starter [Azerbaijani translation]
Falling Over Me [Turkish translation]
Father [Greek translation]
Father [Danish translation]
Falling Over Me [Swedish translation]
Max Mensing
Walter de Afogados
Kwon Soon Il
Billy Mo
Nuevo (South Korea)
Partisan Songs from Slovenia
Joel Corry - Head & Heart
Oh Santa lyrics
Sing a Rainbow lyrics
Giant lyrics
Paradise lyrics
Orbit lyrics
Río de los Pájaros lyrics
The Weekend lyrics
Watergirl lyrics
Mi Vicio lyrics