Disturbed Also Performed Pyrics
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [French translation]
J'ai gravi les plus hautes montagnes J'ai couru à travers les champs Juste pour être avec toi Juste pour être avec toi J'ai couru J'ai rampé J'ai esca...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [German translation]
Ich habe die höchsten Bege erklommen Ich bin durch die Felder gerannt Nur um bei Dir zu sein Nur um bei Dir zu sein Ich bin gerannt Ich bin gekrochen ...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Greek translation]
Σκαρφάλωσα ψηλά βουνά έτρεξα σε λιβάδια ανάμεσα Μόνο για να 'μαι μαζί σου Μόνο για να 'μαι μαζί σου Έχω τρέξει Έχω συρθεί Πέρασα της πόλης τα τείχη τη...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Hungarian translation]
Maga hegyeket másztam meg Mezőkön futottam keresztül csakhogy veled lehessek csakhogy veled lehessek futottam kúsztam lecsupaszítottam ezeket a városf...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Indonesian translation]
Aku telah mendaki gunung tertinggi Aku telah berlari melewati padang luas Hanya untuk dapat bersamamu Hanya untuk dapat bersamamu Aku telah berlari Ak...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Italian translation]
Ho scalate le montagne più alte Ho corso attraverso i campi Solo per essere con te Solo per essere con te Ho corso, Ho strisciato Ho scalato questi mu...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Latin translation]
Summos montes ascendi. Per agros cucurri modo ut tecum essem modo ut tecum essem. Cucurri Repsi haec urbis moena ascendi, haec moenia urbis modo ut te...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Macedonian translation]
Се искачив на највисоките планини Трчав низ полињата Само за да бидам со тебе Само за да бидам со тебе Трчав Ползев Ги излупив овие градски ѕидови Гра...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Persian translation]
من بلندترین کوهها رو صعود کردهام من تو زمینهایی دویدهام فقط برای با تو بودن فقط برای با تو بودن من دویدهام من خزیدهام من دیوارهای این شهر رو خط...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Persian translation]
از مرتفع ترین کوه ها صعود کرده ام در میان دشت ها دویده ام تنها برای با تو بودن تنها برای با تو بودن من دویده ام من خزیده ام از این دیوارهای شهر بالا ر...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Portuguese translation]
Eu escalei as montanhas mais altas Percorri os campos Só pra ficar contigo Somente para estar aícom você Eu corri Eu rastejei E escalei essasparedesda...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Portuguese translation]
Subi as montanhas mais altas Corri pelos campos Só pra estar contigo Só pra estar contigo Eu corri Eu rastejei Eu escalei essas paredes da cidade Essa...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Romanian translation]
M-am urcat pe cei mai înalţi munţi, Am străbatut în fugă câmpiile, Numai pentru a fi cu tine, Numai pentru a fi cu tine. Am alergat, M-am târât, Am es...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Romanian translation]
--- 1 --- Pe cei mai înalţi munţi m-am urcat, Iar câmpiile în fugă le străbat, Doar ca să fiu cu tine, Doar ca să fiu cu tine. Zeci de mile am alergat...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Romanian translation]
Am urcat pe cei mai înalți munți, Am străbătut câmpii, Doar să fiu cu tine, Doar să fiu cu tine. Am alergat, M-am târât, M-am cățărat pe zidurile aces...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Russian translation]
Залезал на вершины И бежал по полям, Только чтоб быть с тобой, Только чтоб быть с тобой. Я бежал, Полз без слов, Перелез стены и ров, Стены и ров, Тол...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Serbian translation]
Penjao sam se na najviše planine, Trčao sam preko polja, Samo da bih bio sa tobom, Samo da bih bio sa tobom Trčao sam, Puzao sam Smanjio sam ove zidin...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Serbian translation]
Penjo sam se na navislja brda Trcao sam kroz livade Samo da budem s tobom Samo da budem s tobom Ja sam trcao Ja sam puzao Ja sam ostrugao te gradske z...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Spanish translation]
He escalado las montañas más altas He corrido a través de los campos Solo para estar contigo Solo para estar contigo He corrido Me he arrastrado He es...
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [Swedish translation]
Jag har bestigit de högsta bergen Jag har sprungit igenom fälten Bara för att vara med dig Bara för att vara med dig Jag har sprungit Jag har krupit J...
United States
Hard Rock, Metal
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Ya me voy para siempre lyrics
The River Sings [Portuguese translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Catalan translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Dutch translation]
In My Time of Dying lyrics
Trains and Winter Rains [Romanian translation]
Frozen [OST] - Liebe öffnet Tür'n [Love Is an Open Door]
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [English translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past lyrics
Water Shows The Hidden Heart lyrics
Popular Songs
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [Tongan translation]
Trains and Winter Rains [Italian translation]
Trains and Winter Rains [Spanish translation]
'O surdato 'nnammurato
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [Russian translation]
Thinking About You lyrics
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Romanian translation]
Trains and Winter Rains lyrics
Water Shows The Hidden Heart [Bulgarian translation]
The Spirit of Christmas Past [Spanish translation]
Billy Joel
Rainbow Songs
Marius Tucă
Boys Over Flowers (OST)
Encanto (OST)
Nicole Scherzinger
The Oral Cigarettes
Cinderella and Four Knights (OST)
Cher Lloyd
Te extraño [English translation]
Как хотела меня мать [Kak khotela menya mat'] [English translation]
Белым снегом [Belym snegom] [English translation]
Ивушки [Ivushki] lyrics
Волга-речка [Volga-rechka] [English translation]
Te extraño [English translation]
Белым снегом [Belym snegom] [Spanish translation]
Karlı kayın ormanı lyrics
Ворожи, не ворожи [Vorozhi, ne vorozhi] [English translation]
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