Paul Van Dyk Lyrics
Wir sind wir
Tag um Tag, Jahr um Jahr, Wenn ich durch diese Straßen geh', Seh ich wie die Ruinen dieser Stadt Wieder zu Häusern auferstehen. Doch bleiben viele Fen...
Wir sind wir [Danish translation]
Dag for dag, år for år Når jeg går gennem disse gader Ser jeg hvordan denne bys ruiner Genopstår til huse. Men mange vinduer står stadig tomme For man...
Wir sind wir [English translation]
Day by day, year by year When I walk through the streets I see the ruins of this city Arise to houses again But many windows stay empty For many there...
Wir sind wir [English translation]
Day by day, year by year When I'm walking along this street I'm seeing the ruins crowing up to houses Many windows still stay empty There was no retur...
Wir sind wir [French translation]
Jour après jour, année après année; Quand j'arpente ces rues, Je vois des décombres de cette ville Des maisons à nouveau se dresser. Mais des fenêtres...
Wir sind wir [Italian translation]
Giorno dopo giorno, anno dopo anno quando cammino per queste strade vedo come le rovine di questa città risorgono diventando case Ma restano molte fin...
Wir sind wir [Spanish translation]
Día a día, año tras año, Cuando camino por estas calles, Veo las ruinas de esta ciudad Resucitando de nuevo a casas. Pero muchas ventanas permanecen v...
Tell me why lyrics
The Morning comes And the snow is falling The Morning comes And the snow is falling The Morning comes And the snow is falling The Morning comes And th...
Tell me why [German translation]
Der Morgen kommt Und der Schnee fällt Der Morgen kommt Und der Schnee fällt Der Morgen kommt Und der Schnee fällt Der Morgen kommt Und der Schnee fäll...
Angel [found a lover] lyrics
Lover (x11) I found a lover for the first time in my life, You took me out of the wilderness, Just like a diamond, you were shining bright through the...
Crush lyrics
I know you want me! Can't run away, can't run away from me I'll navigate the seven seas just to find you Can't hide away, can't hide away from me I'll...
Eternity lyrics
When I lift off When both my feet leave the ground Will you be there where the skyline ends When I take flight When the blackest night calls me home W...
Eternity [Spanish translation]
Eternidad Cuando despegue. Cuando mis pies no pisen más el suelo ¿Estarás ahí donde se encuentra el cielo con el horizonte?Cuando despegue,cuando la m...
Get Back lyrics
Back to you .... Back to you, that's where I go When I'm so fed up, When I can't go on In your arms, ? When I'm awfully tired When I need love An I ne...
Home lyrics
The people poured their concrete floors And built their churches and their walls They painted pictures of their hopes and fears on them A single look,...
Home [Spanish translation]
La gente vertió sus pisos de concreto Y construyó sus iglesias y sus muros Pintó imágenes de sus esperanzas y temores en ellos Una sola mirada, un peq...
Paul Van Dyk - I Don't Deserve You
You're the first face that I see And the last thing I think about You're the reason that I'm alive You're what i can't live without You're what i can'...
I Don't Deserve You [Italian translation]
Tu sei il primo volto che vedo E l'ultima cosa a cui penso Tu sei la ragione che mi fa sentire vivo Tu sei la cosa senza la quale non posso vivere E m...
I Don't Deserve You [Serbian translation]
Ti si prvi lik koji ugledam I poslednja stvar na koju pomislim Ti si razlog što sam živ Ti si ono bez čega ne mogu da živim Ti si ono bez čega ne mogu...
I Don't Deserve You [Tongan translation]
Ko koe ko e mata 'ulu'aki neu sio Ko ia ko e faka'osi 'oku ou manatu Ko ko e ko e 'uhi 'oku ou mo'ui 'Ikai keu lava 'o mo'ui 'iate koe 'Ikai keu lava ...
Paul Van Dyk
English, German, Norwegian
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Skin to Skin [Arabic translation]
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Восковая кукла [Voskovaya kukla] lyrics
Like a Dream [French translation]
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Ta main [English translation]
Soleil [English translation]
Haddinden fazla lyrics
Ta main [German translation]
Toi + Moi [English translation]
Liberté [Italian translation]
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Toi + Moi lyrics
Ой гарна я гарна [Oy harna ya harna] lyrics