Already Broken lyrics
Already Broken lyrics
I know a man from a fallen place
Who still walks in a field of graves
His hands are stained
His eyes are open
He’s a shell of a different man
Looking down on a boy
Already broken
There’s a ticking underneath his feet
There’s a trench where his soul should be
And in the night
He hears explosions
He cuts deals with the Devil all day
Running far from the boy
Already broken
They say no noose can hang him
They say no grave can hold him
He’s like a storm
On a still ocean
With every gun at his head
He never fears his own death
Can’t break a man
Already broken
In between this life and death
Is a razor-wire fence
That’s where he’s been
And where he’s going
He’s a ghost of a desolate land
He’s a wandering man
Already broken
There’s a ticking underneath his feet
There’s a war always on his street
His hands are stained
In crimes unspoken
He cuts deals with a blood-stained hand
He’s a lawless man
Already broken
They say no noose can hang him
They say no grave can hold him
He’s like a storm
On a still ocean
With every gun at his head
He never fears his own death
Can’t break a man
Already broken
They say he felt a moment of Grace
For an hour in a different place
And like a ghost
Her eyes were open
And he felt like a different man
When she sang to the boy
Already broken
- Artist:Karliene