Die Weihnachtsgeschichte [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-28 03:10:27

Die Weihnachtsgeschichte [English translation]

And it so happened that in that time, there was a law from Caesar Augustus that a census be conducted throughout the entire known world!1

And this census was the first of its kind, and happened in the time that Quirinius was governor in Syria!

And every man went to get registered!

Each one in their own city!

And so Joseph of Galilee had to leave the city of Nazareth -- which was in Hebrew land -- to the city of David, which was known as Bethlehem, for Joseph was of the house and lineage of David, and to also be able to register with Mary, who was engaged to him!

She was pregnant! And as they were there, it was time for the baby to be born, and she bore her first son and clothed him in swaddling clothes and laid him on the manger! For she had no place to stay at in the inn!

There were shepherds in the fields nearby with their herds! They kept watch over their flocks throughout the night! And the angel of the Lord came to them, and the serenity of the Lord shone upon them, and the shepherds were terrified! And the angel said to them! "Do not be afraid, but I give you news of great joy that all nations can know, for you this day, the Savior is born! He is Christ: The Lord of the City of David! And as a sign...! You will find the child clothed in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger!"

The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story

Soon before us was a crowd of heavenly host that praised God and said: "Praise be to God in the highest and joy on earth and the people in which he is pleased."

And as the angels left toward heaven, the shepherds spoke to one another: "Let us go now to Bethlehem and see the story that was told by the Lord!"

And they came rushing and found both!

Mary and Joseph with the child lying in the manger! As they saw it, they prepared to spread the news of what was told to them about this child!" And everyone before them were astounded about what they heard from the shepherds!

Mary however kept all these words in her heart!

And the shepherds returned to praise and glorify God for everything they heard and saw as it was told to them!

And eight days had passed and the child needed to be circumcised, and was given the name Jesus!

And as the day for his purification after the law of Moses came, they needed to take him to Jerusalem to see the Lord! As it was written in the Law of the Lord! Every male who was born first from the mother's womb should be named holy by the Lord! And give an offering as it is said in the Law of the Lord! A pair of turtledoves or two young doves! And there was a man named Simeon in the city! And this man was just and meek and waited upon the trust of Israel and the Holy Ghost was with him!

And he had a word to share from the Holy Ghost!

He should not see death, for he had first seen Christ the Lord!

And he came with the spirit in the temple! And as the parents of the child Jesus brought him in there with him to do what was needed according to the law. He then took him by the arm and praised God and said: "Lord, let your servant go now in peace as you have said, for my eyes have seen your Savior who you have prepared to be a light for all nations of heathens, and for the praise of Israel, your people! And his father and mother pondered about the things he had said to them!

And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: "Look, this is law for the fall, and the rise for many in Israel, and for a sign to those who would persecute them, and a pass sword will penetrate your soul, by which will reveal many deep thoughts!

And there was a prophetess named Hanna who was the daughter of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher! And she was very old! She had lived with her husband for seven years after which they were married and now she is widowed at the age of 84! She never left the temple, and she served God by fasting and praying day and night! And she also came in the same hour and praised God and spoke of him to everyone who were expecting the salvation of Jerusalem. And when they had finished everything after the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee in their own city of Nazareth! The child was healthy and strong, full of wisdom and the mercy of God was with him!

1. possibly referring to survey JUST the Roman Empire.

  • Artist:E Nomine
  • Album:Das Testament (1999)
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  • country:Germany
  • Languages:German, Latin, Spanish, English
  • Genre:Electronica, Hard Rock, Religious, Trance/Ambient
  • Official site:
  • Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_Nomine
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