Eğri eğri doğru doğru [English translation]
Eğri eğri doğru doğru [English translation]
They tell me: "Pick your way"
Would I ever choose a broken way?
Crooked yet straight1
They tell me: "Give up if you cannot pick"
Would I ever give up on my way?
Crooked yet straight
Some to West, some East,
North, South─all straight
Who would ever choose a broken way?
Crooked yet straight
My way is straight to me2
Would I ever turn my back on my way?
Crooked yet straight
Crooked, even so, straight
They tell me: "Pick your love"
Would I ever pick a disloyal love
Crooked yet straight
They tell me: "Just pass if you cannot pick"
Would I ever pass even if you told me so?
Crooked yet straight
Some sweet, wheat-skinned
Some blear-eyed, soft-spoken
Some dark-skinned, with a beauty spot
Crooked yet straight
I have found a delicate love
Would I ever pass even if you told me so?
Crooked yet straight
Crooked, even so, straight
They tell me: "Take away your 'love'"
Would love be enough even if I took her away?
Crooked yet straight
They tell me: "Just go on to your way"
Would it ever be done with one way?
Crooked yet straight
There must be a hand span of land too
Home must be build on top
Love must reside inside
Crooked yet straight
Barış means Earth
Would I ever give up on myself?
Crooked yet straight
Crooked, even so, straight
1. He says, word by word: "Crooked, crooked; (but) straight, straight. (I have omitted the duality.) What he means by it, I think, is "There is a way(fig.) that I yet to choose/had chosen. It may be crooked, even broken, but it's my way, so to me, it is straight."2. I think this line confirms my reasoning in the first note
- Artist:Barış Manço