Elle est facho [English translation]
Elle est facho [English translation]
Coming back from the Fête de l'Huma she's happy she saw Johnny
She hovered here and there, at all the booths of the party
She's had her dose of Che Guevara posters for today
It must be said she rather tend to be on the other side of the flag
More like the CIA than the KGB, better Pinochet than Allende
Although it's true she's dumber than a cow, she's a fascist girl
Hell yeah, after all, the popular forums are for everyone
It's not written on her parka she admires the filthy beast
It's for the better, 'cause in such a world she might end up shaved
It would be a shame, for she takes much pride in her sunny hair
An aryan girl down to the retina, it stands out in the 'hood
She also loves her milky skin, she's a fascist girl
She's seeing bolsheviks everywhere, she imagines secret plots
Against the state, the cops, the churches and the flag
She vows a chronic hatred against TV and newspapers
And she shit on politicians, on the youth going awry
And on dechristianised moral values, on fags and arabs
She dreams of a brand new order, she's a fascist girl
She mostly has nostalgia for sabers and for bottle-brushes
For the nation, a homeland ridden of immigration
She says the times were better then, like most of dumbasses say
She regrets the time of the colonial empire, of legal death penalty
Of forbidden abortion & forsakes young girls wearing headscarves
And she reads National Hebdo, she's a fascist girl
I hope if she's a mother one day, her son will be at 18 years old
Full of education and diplomas, of rebellious ideals and humanism
And that he will tell her : Your old speeches singularly lack of love
May he furthermore say to the lady : stay here with the nose in shit
I'm in love with a Muslim girl, voting for the Greens & smoking weed
Let's hope it will get the message across, to the fascist girl
Let's hope she will get the message, the fascist girl who votes for Sarkozy.
- Artist:Renaud
- Album:Rouge sang