Господи, помилуй [Gospodi, pomiluy] [English translation]
Господи, помилуй [Gospodi, pomiluy] [English translation]
The bells' chime
Is flying above the earth,
And in the monastery
The fraternal choir is singing:
- O Lord, have mercy.
The kanonarkh*-monk
Has bowed to the ground.
And the bells' chime
Fell silent at once.
- O Lord, have mercy.
- O Lord, I cry to thee, -
The tenor has proclaimed,
The choir has harmoniously
Echoed to the kanonarkh.
- O Lord, have mercy.
Candles, icons,
Robes, crosses.
The friary is singing
In a sad sixth mode
- O Lord, have mercy.
Pilgrims are standing,
The people is praying.
Rus'** is still alive,
Rus' is still singing.
- O Lord, have mercy.
There are ascetics on crosses,
Beards, like snow,
Having lowered their eyes,
They pray for all.
- O Lord, have mercy.
With such a music
Go even toward death!
Is there much to sing to you,
Holy Rus' ?
- O Lord, have mercy.
Your turn has come.
Young bell-ringer,
Awake everyone around,
Strike as hard as you can.
The fraternal choir fell silent,
The bells are chiming again.
But I can only here
All around:
- O Lord, have mercy.
- Artist:Zhanna Bichevskaya