Lento/Veloce [English translation]

Songs   2025-02-18 11:06:33

Lento/Veloce [English translation]

Í'm quick to wríte to you - ít's so éasy

It's júst the wáy I ám

I néver féar what Í am cáusing Í cannót stand báwling

Bút I'm slów to fóol around - not éasy

You - cáme so únexpécted

An ángel who is chánging me you keep úp my spirits trúly

Maybé I wíll be féeling bétter réal soon be‿it quíckly‿or slówly

As sóon as I will stóp to kéep my mínd on it I hópe so

Í - was quick to lét you go - cáme so éasy

Í - pánicked at the‿idéa

Of yóu saying - in a fortníght

That Í was trúe love

Once móre summer's cóming and whát came of yóu?

Come báck withóut any wárning and í'll be there

I'm slów to lóve you and quíck to blúnder

So‿Í'll repéat it just óne more time

You áre my ónly lóve

Don't gét worked úp abóut it

Let mé take cáre of yóu

Take cáre of yóu...

Í am quick to gó AWOL I'm réal quick I prómise

Péople knów I'm nót a kéeper

You're véry níce but whíle you're tálking

Í'm alréady míssing

Só to stáy togéther is a nónsense

A méans that lóve has gránted

To thóse who féar they're gónna líve an érsatz líving

Évery trável cóuld be cánceled

Lest I fínd you gone for góod at my retúrning

It's nót so dífficult and Í could get it quíckly dóne

But wóuld you watch me cóme undóne

You'd slówly be kílling all my prójects

Just an antícipation of frustrátion

For the sáke of us beíng a dating ítem, it's not my thíng

And it's not whát I ám

Once móre summer's cóming and whát came of yóu?

Come báck withóut any wárning and í'll be there

I'm slów to lóve you and quíck to blúnder

So‿Í'll repéat it just óne more time

You áre my ónly lóve

Don't gét worked úp abóut it

Love, Í wanna bé with yóu

Nów and whenéver tíme allóws me tó

Come báck to mé

It's úp to yóu, tóo - how quíckly‿or slówly

Líving the súmmer means béing togéther

When yóu come báck here it wón't be never too sóon

Slow to lóve but quick to míss you

This is sómething I wón't say‿agáin

You áre my ónly lóve

Don't gét worked úp abóut it

Let mé take cáre of yóu

Take cáre of yóu...

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  • country:Italy
  • Languages:Italian, Spanish, French, English+2 more, Portuguese, German
  • Genre:Blues, Pop, Pop-Rock, R&B/Soul, Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://www.tizianoferro.com/
  • Wiki:https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiziano_Ferro
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