На Свароговой дороге [Na Svarogovoy doroge] [English translation]
На Свароговой дороге [Na Svarogovoy doroge] [English translation]
Don't worry my soul, wind,
Don't push into darkness the days' thoughts.
The dawn speaks in my timid heart
About the sorrow in my soul.
What do the bright gods see?
What do they foretell in the embrace of somber dreams?
On Svarog's1 path
I hear the night's enticing call.
Oh you, night, you dark night,
Don't worry me with yearning, don't burden me with hardship. Oh you, freedom, dear freedom,
Calm my bright soul and remove its chains!
We pass into the depths of the ages,
We run from the foreign eyes of other names.
And from their native land the children of Rod,2
Who keep the faith of those fallen under Yarilo's3 light,
Will bring to us through the centuries Svarog's law
1. Slavic god of heavenly fire and blacksmithing2. Slavic creator god3. Slavic god of vegatation and spring
- Artist:Arkona
- Album:Во Славу Великим