Ot' os woc [Let It Go] [High Atlantean] lyrics
Ot' os woc [Let It Go] [High Atlantean] lyrics
Sanon clesat wet huthanac
Con plec futsocinu
Cunonrocon eslilasacun
Yinth sonath pon cunonon
Wontul hunolat, we mon werpolto saturman
Can netenhaltan, al wos farsico
Las isa neten, las isa netsenan
Son cuthe math the salemmara son
Tarnan, netfillan, las netwosam
Na, ni wosam
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
Can ot' netmor siric haltan
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
Threno woc yinth thura salano!
Oce yimco net
Was isa wolum sacan
Las saturman futhfanan
Coluth macath mec con sircen
Ote os wotsoc we on parth thestans
Macath al son calon
Yinth set'hot that ons mec firat
Can muc ni net parinan!
Ni kan oce senan was oce kan tunan
Tosto cronsan yinth tonos pruco
Con cot, con crons, con nalican fu muc
Oce pon fro!
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
Oce pon on moth wont yinth hemil
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
Wolust nemal sonan muc plac!
Hor satano
Yinth hor palopo
Las saturman futhfanan
Mon cracen falitar tonos lif yinth tonos crinth
Mon sol saperalath en cafroso fractalen uferal
Yinth on toncun pacrestal we on osico plas
Oce cano nemal siric
That os ni woc
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
Wan satano oluf an frino morc
Ot' os woc, ot' os woc
That parfoce math os nemor
Hor satano
En lecatan thaco
Las saturman futhfanan,
Coluth macath mec con sircen
- Artist:Non/Disney Fandubs
- Album:Let It Go