Scrum [English translation]
Scrum [English translation]
It's morning and it's night
And the crickets singing in a whisper
I feel my heavy face and I am soaking wet
The same nightmare challenges me,
Far from you it's oppressive cold,
And neither drug doesn't anymore make me,
Nothing satisfies me anymore,
Evil from me, doesn't leave me alone,
The mosnter of me, deosn't anything, doesn't leave me alone,
it does what I tell it, just I want to bury me,
To remove my pain to have the light in the eyelids,
To remove my pain to live in peace,
I want to be a better man,
I want to deserve you now
I know the way is too long,
And I'm burning and I'm doing again ash
if you'll stay,
Pour me everything you have,
drowning me in you,
I no longer bl, bl, bl, blow,
To tell what your soul wish and the body babe!
It's night ''yes'' it's morning,
The light is crooking me at face
I ignite a cigarette, I'm having nusea,
I'm looking through the mirror, it's fog,
I'm tired i want to sleep,
I'm afraid to sleep,
There are my deamons,
And I have no force to fight with them,
''Yes'' I don't know the defeat's tasty,
I don't know the defeat's tasty,
''Can I'' call the angels,
In the knees, in the cries Valley,
The sky will conquer,
I won't suffer anymore,
You come on, and fight with me, babe,
You come on, and fight with me, babe,
Pour your love now,
To extinguish the fire, the fire to make me ash
- Artist:Killa Fonic