Все красиво [Vse krasyvo] [English translation]
Все красиво [Vse krasyvo] [English translation]
Everything is beautiful!
Text - Taras Topolya
Music - Maxym Syvolap
Arrangement - Maxym Syvolap
Oh, sweet people, such a hysteria
Both Manhattan and Brooklyn dance hopak
Top-managers of Apple and whole bohemian party
Take off their sneakers at home and put on a muctache
Cossack's mustache, steal saber
And even the British Queen
Wears a piece of lard in her crown
That children don't get sick and whyskey don't sour
And beautiful, everything is beautiful
Look to the right, look to the left.
The girls are charming and guys are brave -
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine for us!
And beautiful, everything is beautiful
Look to the right, look to the left.
The girls are charming and guys are brave -
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine for us!
The Chinese make new people at night
And our people take selfies from craters on Mars
Mars will be our, we will plant carrot there
And if it will not be our, we will hide it in the pines.
The Hutsul's pine stands around the clock
Whole the world speaks just about one thing:
How they dug a sea, invented letters
Crazy UKRs turned the mountains.
And beautiful, everything is beautiful
Look to the right, look to the left.
The girls are charming and guys are brave -
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine for us!
And beautiful, everything is beautiful
Look to the right, look to the left.
The girls are charming and guys are brave -
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine for us!
Larnaca and Berlin, Abu Dhabi and Maldives,
Canberra and Beijing - everything will be beautiful!
London and LA, Guatemala and Taipei,
Warsaw and Athens - everything will be beautiful!
Tel-Aviv and Ghana, Tbilisi and Havana,
Kyiv and Manila - everything will be beautiful!
Ottava, Ankara, Washington and Astana,
And soon Moscow will dance hopak too!
And beautiful, everything is beautiful
Look to the right, look to the left.
The girls are charming and guys are brave -
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine for us!
- Artist:AntytilA