Xdono [English translation]
Xdono [English translation]
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
Please lét's put it on hold until tómórrow
While áll of ús are just waiting fór Chrístmas
Don't éven think I cán't feel yóur sórrow
'Cause lát'ly I know I have béen a real jáckass
All my wrongdóing, no harm was inténded
As for my góodwill, Í don't lack inténtion
Although in práctice I do láck atténtion
I wish we cóuld have a frésh start, but áctually...
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
I say that you áre my best match, Í méan it
I say that you're mý second best, júst téasing
We don't need a trúce, let's gét to a ceasefíre
Réally I cannot grasp whý it is so díre
For Chrístmas I wísh just one présent
Try to remémber Í have never been ábsent
But ev'ry contradíction and év'ry slíp-up
Make me say the fúture's like a tóss-up
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
Winter prómises no léisure, togéther we wóuld be getting sóme
And my ánger is beyond méasure, togéther you cóuld give me óne
I go clubbing, péople are dáncing, bút without you ít can't be fún
Help me óut let's tear dówn all thése walls, 'cause withóut you Í can't get it dóne
Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Right nów I can't follow, in fáct there's
Too much Í dúnno
Spéak of my fáults 'nd I'll fálter
Lét me bég you to‿éxcúse me
I could've led you ón but I've never béen schéming
Cán we talk abóut this with no shóuting nór scréaming
Í dúnno
- Artist:Tiziano Ferro
- Album:Rosso relativo (2001)