Як тебе не любити, Києве мій! [Yak tebe ne lyubyty, Kyyeve miy!] [English translation]
2024-12-22 15:28:39
Як тебе не любити, Києве мій! [Yak tebe ne lyubyty, Kyyeve miy!] [English translation]
Quiet day slowly fading, with lights playing the sea,
The green slopes of Dnieper became dear to me,
Where the branches are swaying of lovers delights...
How can I not love you, Kyiv, my life!
Like a happiness surf, the velvet of nights...
How can I not love you, Kyiv, my life!
*Cannas look in my eyes, into them I'll pour my heart,
Let them tell my beloved, how true is my love.
On the wings of the hopes I will live, I'll fly...
How can I not love you, Kyiv, my life!
A weary city is sleeping, peacefully, gently till Dawn,
Look, the lights, like a necklace, over Dnieper are on,
Like a happiness surf, the velvet of night...
How can I not love you, Kyiv, my life!
Like a happiness surf, the velvet of night...
How can I not love you, Kyiv, my life!
- Artist:Yury Gulyaev