Заклятье [Zaklyatye] [English translation]
Заклятье [Zaklyatye] [English translation]
Oh, I invoke you with holy words
I invoke you, Rod*
Rod! I invoke you
With angry words and hot eyes
Father, I wish you go to ground
Like a blue bird
Like a blue bird
Fly down to ground
Fly to down
And fly around
And say with your voice holy words
Holy words here and now
Now, now
And then we will see the Rod's path!
Hoy, in the dawn, hoy
Fire will revive
and my sacrifice will reach the sky
Dawn Dew give me water to drink
And I'll bow to Father Rod
Rod, go on the path
Hoy! Go on the path
Lower your weigh palms
to people
Put down to people
And give them big power
And power will be both in government
And in Rod's sons!
Hoy, Great One!
Many Faced One!
Take my sacrifice that fire brings to sky
Stay here near to us!
With eyes in Prav, with palms in Nav*!
Give the powers
To people staying here!
People that look into your eyes!
Hoy, Great One, Many Faced One!
Take my tries, I glorify you three time!
Hoy, Great One!
Many Faced One!
Take my sacrifice that fire brings to sky
Hoy, Great One, Many Faced One!
Take my tries,
Father, I glorify you!
- Artist:Arkona
- Album:Slovo (Слово)