Johnny Cash Also Performed Pyrics
John Hartford - Gentle on My Mind
It’s knowin‘ that your door is always open And your path is free to walk That makes me tend to leave my sleepin‘ bag Rolled up and stashed behind your...
Gentle on My Mind [German translation]
Dass ich weiß, deine Tür steht immer offen und der Weg zu dir ist frei zu begehen, lässt mich dazu neigen, meinen Schlafsack zusammengerollt hinter de...
Gentle on My Mind [German translation]
Ich weiß ja, deine Tür ist immer offen, Und der Weg zu dir ist frei. Deshalb lasse ich meinen Schlafsack zusammengerollt Verstaut hinter deiner Couch....
Bob Dylan - Girl From the North Country
If you're traveling the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there For she once was a true love...
Girl From the North Country [Estonian translation]
Kui rändad põhja, kus maa valge Piirimaadele, kus ulub vinge tuul Meenuta mind temale, kes seal elab Sest ta kunagi oli minu suur armastus Kui lähed s...
Girl From the North Country [Finnish translation]
Jos matkustat North Country:in massuille Missä tuulet osuu kovasti rajoille Muista minut sille joka siellä asustaa Sillä hän oli kerran minun todellin...
Girl From the North Country [French translation]
Si tu voyages dans le beau nord du pays où les vents frappent forts sur la ligne frontalière donne mes bonjours à celle qui y vit car elle était, autr...
Girl From the North Country [German translation]
Wenn du hoch in den schönen Norden reist Dort wo der Wind die Grenze peitscht Bringe mich einer in Erinnerung, die dort lebt Denn einst war sie meine ...
Girl From the North Country [Greek translation]
Αν ταξιδεύεις την εύλογη βόρεια χώρα Όπου οι άνεμοι χτυπούν βαριά στο μεταίχμιο Θύμισε με σε κάποια που μένει εκεί Που κάποτε ήταν μια αληθινή δική μο...
Father and Son [Serbian translation]
Otac: Nije vreme za promene, samo se opusti,samo polako Još uvek si mlad,to je tvoja greška mnogo je toga što treba da znaš. Nađi devojku,skrasi se, a...
Father and Son [Spanish translation]
Padre No es momento para cambios Solo relájate, tómalo con calma Aún eres joven, ese es tu error Te queda tanto por saber Encuentra una chica, apacígu...
Father and Son [Swedish translation]
Far: Än behöver inget ske Slappna av, ta det varsamt Du är ju ännu ung Du har knappt börjat ditt liv Snart ska du hitta nån du vill dela det med Ja, s...
Father and Son [Swedish translation]
Far: Det är inte tid att göra en ändring, Bara slappna av, ta det lugnt. Du är fortfarande ung, det är ditt fel, Det är så mycket du måste veta. Finn ...
Father and Son [Turkish translation]
şimdi değişiklik yapmak için iyi bir zaman değil sadece rahatla, zorlama.. hala gençsin, hatan bu senin bilmen gereken o kadar çok şey var ki bir kız ...
Father and Son [Turkish translation]
Baba: Şimdi bir değişiklik yapmanın zamanı değil Sadece rahatla ve ağırdan al. Tek hatan henüz biraz genç olman Bilmen gereken çok şey var Bir kız bul...
Father and Son [Vietnamese translation]
Con ơi, đâu phải lúc đổi thay Vui lên, coi mọi chuyện thường ngày Sai lầm tránh sao khi tuổi trẻ Nhiều điều cần biết con có hay Con hãy tìm lại cô gái...
Burl Ives - Ghost Riders in the Sky
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows h...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [German translation]
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows h...
Ghost Riders in the Sky
An old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day, Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way, When all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cow...
Spiderbait - Ghost Riders in the Sky [movie credits version]
An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows h...
Johnny Cash
United States
English, German, Spanish
Blues, Country music, Folk, Religious, Rock, Rock 'n' Roll
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Little Dreamer [Turkish translation]
Like I do lyrics
Love for All Seasons [Italian translation]
Light Up The Sky [Turkish translation]
Lift Me Up [Persian translation]
Like I do [Russian translation]
Love for All Seasons [Czech translation]
Loving Me For Me [Bulgarian translation]
Iran Iran 2014 lyrics
Make Over [Turkish translation]
Popular Songs
Little Dreamer [Finnish translation]
Light Up The Sky lyrics
Love for All Seasons [Bulgarian translation]
Love for All Seasons [Serbian translation]
Make The World Move lyrics
Loving Me For Me [Czech translation]
Lift Me Up [Italian translation]
Little Dreamer lyrics
Lotus Intro lyrics
In My Time of Dying lyrics
Sektor Gaza
Alan Walker
Sarah Brightman
Jah Khalib
Shabnam Surayo
Alban Skënderaj
Galileo Galilei
Luis Fonsi
Michael Bublé
Secrets lyrics
Dromen Zijn Bedrog [English translation]
Dromer [English translation]
Every girl wants my guy lyrics
Een wereld zonder jou [German translation]
Ik leef niet meer voor jou [Turkish translation]
En la Obscuridad lyrics
Hyver lyrics
Doe wat je altijd deed [German translation]
Murmúrios lyrics