Lucero Also Performed Pyrics
Mi talismán [English translation]
You know, time goes by and I do not see you every time you are farther away, and I like more of you because, you know, I thought it was easier forget ...
Mi talismán [German translation]
Weißt du, die Zeit vergeht und ich sehe dich nicht Du bist immer weiter weg und ich mag dich mehr Weil du weißt, ich dachte, es wäre einfacher Vergess...
Mi talismán [Portuguese translation]
Sabe... Passa o tempo e não vejo você. Cada vez você está mais longe, e eu gosto mais de você. Por quê? Sabe... Eu pensei que era mais fácil Esquecer ...
Ni un roce lyrics
Cuantas cosas por decir, pero tu no te propones No lo entiendo todo va quedando así Siempre estas como si nada, me confunde tu mirada, Vas y vienes y ...
Ni un roce [English translation]
How many things to say, but you don't propose I don't understand everything is becoming so You always act as if nothing is wrong, your stare confuses ...
No entiendo lyrics
No entiendo Por qué sin quitarnos nada estamos como enemigos No entiendo Por qué si el amor se acaba no lo presentimos Nos miente el corazón quizás O ...
No entiendo [English translation]
I don't understand why without taking anything from each other we're like enemies I don't understand why if the love runs out we don't sense it Our he...
No entiendo [Portuguese translation]
Não entendo... Por que, sem tirar nada um do outro, viramos inimigos. Não entendo... Por que se o amor está acabando, não pressentimos. Nossos coraçõe...
Porque te vas lyrics
Hoy, en mi ventana brilla el sol y, el corazón, se pone triste contemplando la ciudad, porque te vas... Como cada noche, desperté pensando en ti y, en...
Porque te vas [Bulgarian translation]
Днес в прозореца ми свети слънцето, а сърцето ми тъгува, съзерцавайки града. Защото си отиваш. Както всяка нощ се събудих с мисълта за теб и гледах ка...
Porque te vas [Chinese translation]
今天陽光照耀在我的窗前 而我的一顆心 看著這個城市悲傷了起來 因為你要離開了 就像每晚我醒來 想著你 我看著鐘錶上的時間流逝 因為你要離開了 . 我所有的愛和承諾 都將伴隨著你離去 你會忘記我的... 你會忘記我的... 今天在車站旁邊 我就會像小孩一樣哭泣 因為你要離開了... 因為你要離開了.....
Porque te vas [Croatian translation]
Danas sunce sija kroz moj prozor i srce postaje tužno promatrajući grad jer odlaziš ti Kao što sam se svake noći budila misleći na tebe i na svojoj ur...
Porque te vas [English translation]
Today the sun shines through my window and my heart saddens as it looks at the city because you're leaving... I awoke every night thinking of you and ...
Porque te vas [English translation]
The sun is shining by my window today An the heart Is going sad watching the town Why are you leaving As every night I woke up Thinking of you And on ...
Porque te vas [English translation]
This morning the sunlight'son my window, and my heart becomes sad contemplating the city, because you're leaving. Last night, like every other night, ...
Porque te vas [Esperanto translation]
Hodiaŭ la suno brilas en mia fenestro kaj, la koro, malĝojigas rigardante la urbon, ĉar vi foriras... Kiel ĉiunokte mi vekiĝis pensante pri vi kaj mi ...
Porque te vas [French translation]
Aujourd'hui, le soleil brille à ma fenêtre et, mon cœur. est triste en contemplant la ville, parce que tu pars... Comme chaque nuit, je me suis réveil...
Porque te vas [French translation]
Aujourd’hui, le soleil brille à travers ma fenêtre Et mon cœur Est triste En contemplant la ville Parce que tu pars Comme chaque nuit, je me suis réve...
Porque te vas [French translation]
Aujourd'hui le soleil brille par ma fenêtre Et le coeur Est triste en contemplant la ville Pourquoi parts-tu Comme chaque nuit, je me suis réveillée E...
Porque te vas [German translation]
Heute kitzelt mich die Sonne wach Ich dös' im Bett Ich seh die Stadt von meiner Wohnung unterm Dach Denn du bist weg Wetterleuchten war die ganze Nach...
Spanish, Portuguese, English
Dance, Latino, Pop
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La luna [German translation]
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La raccolta [Spanish translation]
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La pulce d'acqua [Spanish translation]
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