Tot dyen’ [Тот день, в котором не было войны] [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-09 17:25:36

Tot dyen’ [Тот день, в котором не было войны] [English translation]

That day on which there was no war any more...

He was not rushing inexorably to the disaster.

With no news following the cup of morning coffee,

there was rumbling silence in a huge room...

That day on which there was no war any more...

No one ever thought of practicing their eloquence.

But he couldn't find the warmth in himself, wish he could keep it borrow a day -

at least one day on which there is no war any more.

And I beg, no more battles.

Let it heal, let there be no pain.

And I beg, let's go ahead!

Let there be no pain, let it heal!

That day on which there was no war any more...

Born again, he was as if to be the first one.

Weaving our muscles and nerves into the nodes1,

he was breathing with not some gunpowder, but the freshness of spring.

That day on which there is and there was no war...

He simply was, and he was that way not for a medal.

On that day the sober were sobbing helplessly,

being free of the hangover mist, they imagined all of a sudden the way it would be like, if just there were no war.

And I beg, no more battles.

Let it heal, let there be no pain.

And I beg, let's go ahead!

Let there be no pain, let it heal!


The very day on which there was no war...

He was not watching with a wry grin out of the corner,

carelessly sweeping away the pawns out of a chessboard...

Without saying goodbye, without forgiving, without seeing the dreams about the day on which there was no war any more...

1. The highest degree of physical and mental tension is implied, which is typical for the state of war.

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  • country:Russia
  • Languages:Russian, English
  • Genre:Pop-Rock, Rock
  • Official site:
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