Les gens [English translation]
Les gens [English translation]
There are Travellers
There are people who travel
People who stay
And people passing through
There are people who [glide by/drift] 1
And those at rock bottom
People who sleep
And Jean d'Ormessons
There are winter people
And there are divergents
People who hope
And people from Abidjan
And people of the North, people of the South
Sweet lives
And hard lives
And there are happy people
Sad souls who sleep outside
And there are happy people
And others who handle gold
There are aristocrats
And there are workers
There are kind people, police officers
Junkies and delinquents
People who cry, people who laugh
Teddy Riners and Carla Brunis
There are Jean Valijeans
Who swallow down their sorrow 2
Yes, people who cause grief
People who love and who come together
Different people who we resemble
And there are happy people
Sad souls who sleep outside
And there are happy people
And others who handle gold
There are night owls
And early birds
People who get bored
Modelling agents
There are people who get on your nerves
And people who [calm them] 3
People who dream
Of the lives of others
There are fickle people
And there are reliable people
Disappointing people and remarkable people
People of the East
People of the West
People who go
Others who stay
And there are happy people
Sad souls who sleep outside
And there are happy people
And others who handle gold
And disgruntled people, disgraceful people*
Mad people, shopkeepers
There are down-to-earth people, people who are alone
Lucky people and humble people
There are lovers, leaders
People who brave it
And brave people*
There are gay people and sergeants
And amongst all that
And amongst all that, us two
And amongst all that, us two
Amongst all that, us two
Amongst all that, us two
And amongst all that, us two
1. This could also mean 'people who daydream' but 'gliding' seemed to fit into the context (of movement) 2. Or: 'people who grin and bear it'? I'm interested in any other interpretations 3. Not sure about this... any feedback is welcome!
- Artist:Christophe Maé