Michelle Branch Lyrics
A Horse with No Name
On the first part of the journey I was looking at all the life There were plants and birds and rocks and things There was sand and hills and rings The...
A Horse with No Name [French translation]
Au début du voyage Je regardais toute cette vie Il y avait des plantes, des oiseaux, des rochers et d'autres choses Il y avait du sable, des collines ...
A Horse with No Name [German translation]
Auf der Ersten Hälfte des Abenteuers Sah ich auf all die Leben Da waren Pflanzen und Vögel und Steine und Dinge Da waren Sand und Hügel und Ränder Das...
A Horse with No Name [Hungarian translation]
Az út első felén Néztem az összes életet Voltak növények és madarak és kövek és dolgok Volt homok és dombok és gyűrűk Az első dolog, amivel találkozta...
A Horse with No Name [Italian translation]
Nella prima parte del mio viaggio Ho osservato la vita brulicante C'erano piante e uccelli e rocce e altro C'era sabbia e dune e cerchi Per prima ho i...
A Horse with No Name [Italian translation]
Nella prima parte del viaggio Guardavo tutta la vita C'erano piante e uccelli e rocce e cose C'era sabbia e colline e anelli La prima cosa che ho inco...
A Horse with No Name [Persian translation]
در قسمت اول مسافرت به کل زندگی نگاه میکردم(مرور گذشته) گیاه ها و پرنده ها و صخره ها و چیزاهای دیگر وجود داشتن شن و تپه و حلقه ی بیابانی* بود اولین چیز...
A Horse with No Name [Spanish translation]
En la primera parte del camino Observaba todo lo viviente Había plantas y pájaros y rocas y cosas Había arena y colinas y círculos Lo primero con que ...
A Case of You lyrics
Just before our love got lost you said "I am as constant as a northern star" And I said, "Constantly in the darkness Where's that at? If you want me, ...
All You Wanted lyrics
I wanted to be like you I wanted everything So I tried to be like you And I got swept away I didn't know that it was so cold And you needed someone to...
All You Wanted [French translation]
Je voulais être comme toi, Je voulais tout avoir Alors j'ai essayé d'être comme toi, Et j'ai été foudroyée Je ne savais pas qu'il faisait si froid Et ...
All You Wanted [German translation]
Ich wollte so sein wie du Ich wollte alles Also versuchte ich so sein wie du Und ich verlor mich Ich wusste nicht, dass es so kalt war Und du brauchte...
All You Wanted [Italian translation]
Volevo essere come te Volevo tutto Allora provavo a essere come te E sono stata spazzata via Non sapevo che era così freddo E che avevi bisogno di qua...
All You Wanted [Russian translation]
Я хотела быть похожей на тебя, Я хотела всего, И я пыталась быть, как ты, И меня унесло. Я не знала, что тебе так холодно, И ты нуждаешься в ком-то, К...
All You Wanted [Serbian translation]
Htela sam da budem poput tebe Htela sam sve Stoga sam pokušala da budem poput tebe I bila sam zanesena Nisam znala da je bilo tako hladno I trebao si ...
All You Wanted [Spanish translation]
Quería ser como tú. Quería todo. Así que intenté ser como tú y quéde borrada del mapa. No sabía que hacía demasiado frío y necesitabas a alguien para ...
All You Wanted [Spanish translation]
Quise ser como ti Quise todo Así trataba de ser como ti Y he sido barrida No sabía que era tan frío Y que necesitabas a alguien Para mostrarte el cami...
All You Wanted [Turkish translation]
Sen gibi olmak istiyordum Her şeyi istiyordum Bu yüzden denedim senin gibi olmayı Ve süpürülüp atıldım Bilmiyordum onun çok soğuk olduğunu Ve birine i...
Are You Happy Now? lyrics
Now, don't just walk away Pretending every thing's okay And you don't care about me And I know it's just no use When all your lies become your truths ...
Are You Happy Now? [Armenian translation]
Լաւ, պարզապէս մի հեռանար ձեւանալով, որ ամէն ինչ աղէկ է եւ թէ ինծմով հետաքրքրուած չես եւ գիտեմ, որ անմիաստ է երբ բոլոր սուտերդ իրականութիւններուդ կը վե...
Michelle Branch
United States
Pop-Rock, Singer-songwriter, Soundtrack
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
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Unsteady [Russian translation]
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Unsteady [Spanish translation]
Send Me a Letter lyrics
In Your Arms [Romanian translation]
Jungle [Greek translation]
Unsteady [Croatian translation]
С тобой [S toboy] lyrics
Unconsolable [Turkish translation]