Ich vermisse dich [English translation]
Ich vermisse dich [English translation]
I miss you
Though you are with me
We go round in circles
Just don't any further
You don't leave me but won't let me get any closer either
So many things in commong and still lonely
I don't know how to explain it
I miss you
Though you are with me
I miss you
I want to be close to you
I miss you
My heart is so close to you
But still different than it was before
I miss you
I feel alone in your arms
Your heart is already gone and you
You are still there
I like you a lot
Say what you feel
Rather go now when you want to go
I miss you
Though you are with me
I miss you
I want to be close to you
I miss you
My heart is so close to you
But still different than it was before
I miss you
For days we've been avoiding each other
And nothing is as it was before
But I don't want to give up yet
Because though you are really close
I miss you
- Artist:Blümchen