Temps de calabruix [English translation]
Temps de calabruix [English translation]
In my home's garden
Huge hail rocks have fallen down
And I, who was blossoming,
Have my entire back soaked from them.
The bees are waiting,
My bum is restless at home;
And I, who wanted to sing,
See that my song has been drowned.
The pear tree was laughing already,
But now its smile has been censored.
And I, who was entering April
Have my body all frozen up from March!
The red anemone flowers
And the white daisies...
And I, who look all green,
Am all blossomed with poor hopes.
The month of transformations
Is April and now, we're in March,
And I cannot wait:
My songs are becoming mouldy!
My songs are becoming mouldy
In this time of hailstorms
And now, they say that the government
Is preparing elections...
It is preparing elections
And everything will be more expensive,
And they shall cancel those celebrations
That we still had to sing in!
- Artist:Maria del Mar Bonet
- Album:Salmaia (1995)