Marco Mengoni Lyrics
A través del Atlántico lyrics
Una calle desierta conduciendo deprisa. Con tu mano en la mía de noche nos vamos tú y yo a donde quieras. Parecemos convictos escapando del mundo. No ...
A través del Atlántico [English translation]
An empty street, driving fast. With your hand over mine at night you and I leave for wherever you want. We are like convicts, escaping from the world....
A un segundo de tu piel lyrics
Seremos una sola persona una lágrima una misma gota reconoceremos nuestras caras con tan solo un golpe de miradas he esperado sólo en mi silencio y bu...
A un segundo de tu piel [English translation]
We'll be one person One tear of the same drop We'll recognize our houses With only one glance I have waited only in my silence And I searched for your...
A un segundo de tu piel [Italian translation]
Saremo una sola persona Una lacrima, una stessa goccia Riconosceremo i nostri visi Con solo un accenno di sguardi Ho aspettato da solo, nel mio silenz...
Ad occhi chiusi lyrics
Da quando ci sei tu La luce del mattino ha più colori E non mi sento più Un piccolo silenzio fra i rumori Dell’amore non so niente Conosco solo te Sei...
Ad occhi chiusi [Croatian translation]
Otkada si ovdje ( u mom životu) jutarnje svijetlo sja u više boja I ne osjećam se više poput kratke tišine među zvukovima O ljubavi ne znam ništa znam...
Ad occhi chiusi [English translation]
Since you exist (*) the morning light has more colors and I don't feel any more like a small silence in between (all) the noise. I don't know anything...
Ad occhi chiusi [French translation]
Depuis que tu es là La lumière du matin a plus de couleurs Et je ne m'entends plus Un petit silence parmis les bruits De l'amour je ne sais rien Je ne...
Ad occhi chiusi [French translation]
Depuis que tu es là L'aube revêt de nouvelles couleurs Et je n'ai plus l'impression d'être Un léger silence entouré de bruits De l'amour, je ne sais r...
Ad occhi chiusi [German translation]
Seit es dich gibt* Hat das Morgenlicht mehrere Farben Und ich höre sie nicht mehr Eine kleine Stille zwischen den Geräuschen Von der Liebe weiss ich n...
Ad occhi chiusi [Greek translation]
Απ' όταν υπάρχεις εσύ Το πρωινό φως έχει πιο πολλά χρώματα Και δεν νιώθω πια Μια μικρή σιωπή μέσα στους θορύβους Για την αγάπη τίποτα δεν γνωρίζω Γνωρ...
Ad occhi chiusi [Polish translation]
Od kiedy jesteś ty Światło poranka ma więcej kolorów I nie czuję się już Jak mała cisza wśród hałasów O miłości wiem niewiele Znam tylko ciebie Jesteś...
Ad occhi chiusi [Portuguese translation]
Desde que você entrou na minha vida A luz da manhã tem mais cores E não sinto mais Que sou um pequeno silêncio entre os barulhos Não sei nada sobre o ...
Ad occhi chiusi [Romanian translation]
De când exiști (în viața mea) Razele dimineții au mai multe culori Și nu mă mai simt ca o mică liniște printre tot zgomotul Nu știu nimic despre drago...
Ad occhi chiusi [Spanish translation]
Desde que tu estás La luz de la mañana tiene más color Y ya no siento El pequeño silencio entre los sonidos Del amor no sé nada Sólo te conozco Eres e...
Ad occhi chiusi [Turkish translation]
Sen olduktan beri Sabah ışığı daha renki Artık bu gürültü içerisinde kendimi küçük bir sesizlik gibi hissetmiyorum aşka dair hiç bir şey bilmiyorum sa...
Almeno Tu Nell'Universo lyrics
Sai, la gente è strana prima si odia e poi si ama Cambia idea improvvisamente, prima la verità poi mentirà lui Senza serietà, come fosse niente... Sai...
Almeno Tu Nell'Universo [Greek translation]
Ξέρεις, ο κόσμος είναι παράξενος, πρώτα μισείται και μετά αγαπιέται Αλλάζει γνώμη ξαφνικά, πρώτα η αλήθεια και μετά ψεύδεται Δίχως σοβαρότητα, σαν να ...
Almeno Tu Nell'Universo [Polish translation]
Wiesz, ludzie są dziwni, wpierw się nienawidzą, później kochają, Niespodziewanie zmieniają zdanie, wpierw mówią prawdę, Później okrutnie kłamią, tak j...
Marco Mengoni
Italian, Spanish, English, Portuguese
Pop, Pop-Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Lady in Black [Serbian translation]
Look At Yourself [Hungarian translation]
夜行性 [Yakōsei] lyrics
La polenta piace a tutti lyrics
Лудост е [Ludost e] lyrics
Koyê Dêrsim zaf berzo lyrics
Love is Blind lyrics
Look At Yourself [Serbian translation]
Same Girl lyrics
Lady in Black [Russian translation]
Popular Songs
バツ猫 [Batsu Neko] lyrics
Spiritual Walkers lyrics
Lady in Black [Russian translation]
Lady in Black [Ukrainian translation]
Dis à ton capitaine lyrics
Скажи мне «Да» [Skazhi mne "da'] lyrics
Look At Yourself [Russian translation]
Can you feel the love tonight? [Marathi] lyrics
Lost One Love lyrics
光よ [hikari yo] lyrics
Brittany Flickinger
Alex Rose
Lyrica Anderson
Estrella Morente
Reina del Cid
Come Over lyrics
Istihare lyrics
Cuándo Será lyrics
Sen Ağlama lyrics
Με λένε Γιώργο [Me léne Yiórgo] [French translation]
Game over [Turkish translation]
Ilusion azul lyrics
Seco lyrics
Mala cara [Serbian translation]
The Best Hit [OST] - 젊은 날의 Sky [The Sky of Youth] [jeolm-eun nal-ui Sky]