Cœur de pirate Lyrics
Carry On [French translation]
On s'est assis au bord des mondes aujourd'hui La lumière de leurs couchers de soleil sur mon destin On a fait nos preuves, on met nos âmes à nu Tu as ...
Carte blanche lyrics
J’ai tant cherché cette solitude Que je me complais dans mes habitudes Et tu apparais comme le vent Qui secoue mon cœur tout en m’enlevant Je devrai...
Carte blanche [English translation]
I’ve wanted that loneliness for so long That I take pleasure in what I do And you appear like the wind That’s shaking my heart while taking me away I ...
Carte blanche [Finnish translation]
Yksinäisyyteen halusin Omista tavoistani niin nautin Tulet tuulena kaappaamaan Sydäntä tätä ravistelemaan Ois karattava, ois paettava Sun ankkuroimana...
Carte blanche [Finnish translation]
Tätä yksinäisyyttä tavoittelin niin kovin Että tottumuksistani nautin Ja sinä tulet tuulena Joka ravistelee sydäntäni ja kaappaa minut Minun pitäisi j...
Carte blanche [Spanish translation]
Tanto busqué esta soledad, me escudo con mis costumbres, y tú apareces como el viento, que agita mi corazón mientras me secuestra. Debería correr, deb...
Cast Away lyrics
Cast away the shadows of your heart If you’re always aiming for a better part In this play that punctuates your life, your goals You think you know, y...
Cast Away [French translation]
Débarrasse-toi des zones d'ombre dans ton cœur Si tu aspires sans cesse à un meilleur rôle Dans cette pièce qui ponctue ta vie, tes objectifs Tu crois...
Cast Away [Spanish translation]
Abandona las sombras de tu corazón Sí estás aspirando por un mejor papel En esta obra que destaca tu vida, tus metas Piensas que lo sabes, estás abati...
City Lights Cry [Live] lyrics
And don’t take that cut It's not you that gets hurt tonight You fought with those demons And the lights that you kept inside I heard you were lonely I...
Combustible lyrics
On s’est rencontrés, j’étais plutôt fragile Les étoiles s’enlisaient dans la forme de nos yeux J’étais bien usée, de mensonges fabuleux Et tu m’as enl...
Combustible [Dutch translation]
We hebben elkaar ontmoet, ik was nogal fragiel De sterren verzandden in de vorm van onze ogen Ik was goed versleten, van fantastische leugens En jij h...
Combustible [English translation]
We met, I was kind of fragile Stars got stuck in the shape of our eyes I was pretty worn out, from legendary lies And you pulled me out of the depths,...
Combustible [Finnish translation]
Me tavattiin, olin jokseenkin herkkä Tähdet vajosivat silmiemme muottiin Olin hyvin väsynyt tarumaisiin valheisiin Ja nostit minut pois syvältä, kuopi...
Combustible [German translation]
Wir sind uns begegnet. Ich war ziemlich zerbrechlich. Die Sterne blieben stecken in der Form unserer Augen. Ich war schon gebraucht, von fabelhaften L...
Combustible [Greek translation]
Γνωριστήκαμε, ήμουν κάπως εύθραυστη Τ' αστέρια έπαιρναν το σχήμα των ματιών μας Ήμουν πολύ φθαρμένη από υπέροχα ψέματα Κι εσύ με έβγαλες απ' τα βάθη, ...
Combustible [Italian translation]
Quando ci siamo conosciuti, Io ero piuttosto fragile Le stelle si incastravano alla perfezione nei nostri occhi Io ero stanca di queste fantastiche bu...
Combustible [Portuguese translation]
Nos encontramos, eu estava muito frágil As estrelas se prendiam na forma dos nossos olhos Eu estava desgasta, me mentiras fabulosas E tu me retirou da...
Combustible [Spanish translation]
Nos conocimos, yo era algo frágil Las estrellas rellenaban las cuencas de nuestros ojos Estaba muy cansada ya, de mentiras fabulosas Y tú me sacaste d...
Combustible [Turkish translation]
Tanıştığımızda oldukça kırılgandım Yıldızlar gözlerimizin şekline gömülüydü İyice yıpranmıştım inanılmaz yalanlardan dolayı Ve sen çıkardın beni bu de...
Cœur de pirate
French, English
Pop, Singer-songwriter
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Somo' O No Somos lyrics
История стихотворца [Istoriya stikhotvortsa] [English translation]
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [Norwegian translation]
A lupo lyrics
The Way It Used to Be lyrics
Dictadura lyrics
Egoísta lyrics
История стихотворца [Istoriya stikhotvortsa] lyrics
Un guanto lyrics
Laurindinha lyrics
Popular Songs
Capriccio lyrics
Fado da sina lyrics
الصبا والجمال lyrics
История стихотворца [Istoriya stikhotvortsa] [Polish translation]
Os índios da Meia-Praia lyrics
Spanish Eyes lyrics
Things Are Looking Up lyrics
Rayito de luna lyrics
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] lyrics
К *** [Я помню чудное мгновенье...] [K *** [Ya pomnyu chudnoe mgnoven'e...]] [English translation]
Lollia (Singer-Songwriter)
Dorian (Romania)
Alex e Ronaldo
Reymar Perdomo
Dream (US)
Raquel Houghton
Corazón acelerao lyrics
Urfalı Sevmiş lyrics
I Want To Live With You lyrics
Muévelo lyrics
Dear God Please Help Me [Turkish translation]
Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together lyrics
Baro Bijav lyrics
Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together [Turkish translation]
Altissimo verissimo lyrics
Dame tu calor lyrics