Kirsty MacColl Featuring Lyrics
The Pogues - Fairytale of New York
«It was Christmas Eve, babe, in the drunk tank, an old man said to me, "won't see another one", and then he sang a song, "The Rare Old Mountain Dew"; ...
Fairytale of New York [Catalan translation]
«Nena, era la nit de Nadal. A la cel·la per als borratxos un vell em va dir: "no veuré cap més dia." I llavors va cantar una cançó, "The Rare Old Moun...
Fairytale of New York [Croatian translation]
"Bio je Badnjak, srce, U ćeliji za otrežnjivanje, Starac mi je rekao, "neću vidjeti još jednu", I onda je otpjevao pjesmu, "Rijetka rosa Stare planine...
Fairytale of New York [French translation]
C'était le soir de Noël, chérie dans le refuge à clochards un vieil homme m'a dit « Je ne passerai pas l'année » Et puis il a chanté « The rare old mo...
Fairytale of New York [German translation]
Es war an Heiligabend, Baby, in der Ausnüchterungszelle Ein alter Mann sagte zu mir, er werde kein weiteres Weihnachten mehr erleben Und dann sang er ...
Fairytale of New York [Italian translation]
«Era la vigilia di Natale, tesoro, nella cella1 un vecchio mi disse ‟Non ne vedrò un altro” e poi cantò una canzone, ‟The Rare Old Mountain Dew”;2 mi ...
Fairytale of New York [Polish translation]
Była Wigilia, skarbie, w izbie wytrzeźwień i jakiś stary powiedział mi: „kolejnej nie dożyję”, a potem zaśpiewał piosenkę "The Rare Old Mountain Dew"1...
Fairytale of New York [Romanian translation]
Era Ajunul Crăciunului, scumpo, În celula bețivilor. Un bătrân mi-a zis: ”N-o să mai apucăm altul”, Și apoi a cântat o melodie, ”The Rare Old Mountain...
Fairytale of New York [Spanish translation]
Era nochebuena, nena, en la celda de los borrachos, un viejo me dijo, "No vamos a ver otro más", y entonces cantó una canción, The Rare Old Mountain D...
Fairytale of New York [Swedish translation]
«Det var julafton i fyllecellen, min älskling En äldre man sa till mig, "Vi kommer inte få uppleva en jul till", och sen sjöng han en sång, "Den sälls...
Fairytale of New York [Swedish translation]
Jag firade jul i fyllecellen En gamling sa mig att det var hans sista jul och sjöng en sorgsen bit som så berörde mig Då vände jag mig bort och drömde...
Fairytale of New York [Swedish translation]
Det var julafton, älskling I fylleri cellen En gammal man sa åt mig, "vi kommer inte att uppleva en till" Och sen sjöng han en sång "The Rare Old Moun...
Fairytale of New York [Turkish translation]
Noel arifesiydi, bebeğim Alkolik mahkumların hücresinde Yaşlı adam bir daha Noel görmeyeceğini söyledi bana Ve sonra bir şarkı tutturdu "The Rare Old ...
Morrissey - Interesting Drug
There are some bad people on the rise There are some bad people on the rise They're saving their own skins by Ruining other people's lives Bad, bad pe...
Kirsty MacColl
United Kingdom
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Excellent Songs recommendation
My eyes adored you lyrics
The Fields of the Pelennor lyrics
Max Herre - Jeder Tag zuviel
James Taylor - Long Ago And Far Away
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Make Your Mark lyrics
Σ'αγαπώ γιατί εισ' ωραία [S'agapo giati eis' oraia] lyrics
Fly Me To The Moon lyrics
Fifty Shades Darker [OST] - I Need a Good One
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Spavaj, cvite moj [Serbian translation]
Schenk mir ein altes Grammophon [Russian translation]
Šanana [Russian translation]