Cristina Branco Lyrics
Palavras proibidas [Polish translation]
Odwiodła cię noc i podzieliła Na dwoje jedno słowo; Na zawsze zostają pocięte Słowa, które się wypowiada Po to, żeby je odgadywać Ponieważ druga stron...
Pombas Brancas lyrics
Pombas brancas Que voam altas Riscando as sombras Das nuvens largas Lá vão Pombas que não voltam Trazem dentro Das asas prendas Nas bicos rosas Nuvens...
Pombas Brancas [English translation]
White doves Flying high Blotting out the shadows Of the large clouds There they go Doves that do not return They bring within Of wings held In beaks o...
Porque me olhas assim lyrics
Diz-me agora o teu nome Se já te dissemos que sim Pelo olhar que demora Porque me olhas assim Porque me rondas assim Toda a luz da avenida Se desdobra...
Porque me olhas assim [English translation]
Now tell me your name As we've already said 'yes' To see what the time brings Why do you look at me like that Why do you stay around me like that All ...
Porque me olhas assim [Polish translation]
A teraz powiedz mi, jak się nazywasz Skoro już powiedzieliśmy "tak" Żeby zobaczyć, co czas przyniesie Dlaczego tak na mnie patrzysz Dlaczego tak koło ...
Porque me olhas assim [Russian translation]
Скажи мне твоё имя, Как если бы уже ответила, "да", Чтобы посмотреть, что получится, Почему смотришь так на меня.. Почему обхаживаешь так меня.. Свет ...
Post-Scriptum lyrics
Afasto de ti, com raiva surda O corpo, as mãos, o pensamento E apago, secreta, uma a uma As velas acesas do teu vento Liberta, ponho o corpo em seu lu...
Post-Scriptum [English translation]
I move away from you, with a deaf anger The body, the hands, the thought And I erase it, secret, one by one The lit candles of your wind Free, I put t...
Quisera Lavar o Pensamento lyrics
Sou feita de temor e ansiedade Em tudo vejo aquilo que não presta Uma saudade atrás doutra saudade Porque a saudade é tudo que me resta E quando me co...
Quisera Lavar o Pensamento [English translation]
I am done with fear and anxiety In everything I see that is bad One ache after another ache Because such yearning is all that I have left. And when I ...
Redondo vocábulo lyrics
Era um redondo vocábulo Uma soma agreste Revelavam-se ondas Em maninhos dedos Polpas seus cabelos Resíduos de lar, Pelos degraus de Laura A tinta caía...
Redondo vocábulo [English translation]
It was a round vocabulary A wild sum Waves were revealed On fruitless fingers Pulps her hairs Residues of home By the steps of Laura The paint fell On...
Redondo vocábulo [Polish translation]
To było okrągłe słowo Suma w przybliżeniu Pokazały się fale W zadbanych palców koniuszkach jej włosy Domowe odpadki, Przy schodach Laury Atrament spad...
Reflexão Total lyrics
Recolhi as tuas lágrimas na palma da minha mão, e mal que se evaporaram todas as aves cantaram e em bandos esvoaçaram em tomo da minha mão. Em jogos d...
Reflexão Total [English translation]
I collected your tears In the palm of my hand And evil that evaporated All the birds sang And in flocks fluttered Nearby my hand In games of light and...
Reflexão Total [Polish translation]
Zebrałam twoje łzy na powierzchni mojej dłoni i, jak tylko odparowały, wszystki ptaki zaśpiewały i w kluczach zatrzepotały, uchwycone w mojej dłoni. W...
Reflexão Total [Russian translation]
Собрала твои слёзы В своей ладони. И мне жаль, что они высыхают. Все птицы мира поют и стаями улетают Из моей сжатой руки. В игре красок и света Твои ...
Rosa lyrics
Tu és, divina e graciosa Estátua majestosa do amor Por Deus esculturada E formada com ardor Na alma da mais linda flor De mais ativo olor Que na vida ...
Rosa [English translation]
You are divine and gracious A majestic statue of love Sculpted by God And formed with passion In the soul of the most beautiful flower Of the stronges...
Cristina Branco
Portuguese, Spanish, French, English
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