Youssou N’Dour Lyrics
Song Daan lyrics
Dooley nit kou ñuul kou, ko beug xam la Mbeur mouy daan kou Ko beug xam démal lathi ko you Woma woma Ci leundeum, dinala Wouyou Oubil sama, xol dinga ...
7 Seconds lyrics
Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw Mo ne s...
7 Seconds [Arabic translation]
لا تنظر إليّ ولا تسمح أن يخدعك ابتسامي لا تعتقد أنّك تعرف شعوري الحقيقيّ لا تنظر إليّ مفكّرا أنّنا مثل البعض تماما هناك فيّ ما هو فيك [أيضا ولكنّني] أ...
7 Seconds [Croatian translation]
Ne gledaj me svisoka, nemoj da te moj osmijeh zbuni Ne pretpostavljaj da znaš moje stvarne osjećaje Ne gledaj me misleći da smo jednaki Da je u meni o...
7 Seconds [English translation]
Don't notice me, don't see me while I'm laughing and think that, I I don't know what's under me and what's behind. I don't want you to look at me and ...
7 Seconds [English translation]
Don't see me from a distance, don't look at my smile And think that I don't know what's under and behind me Idon't want you to look at me and think Wh...
7 Seconds [French translation]
traduction indisponible voir propositons sur Internet Dureté et rudesse, devrions nous user avec ceux qui jettent de mauvais sorts. Car pour l'épée et...
7 Seconds [German translation]
Betrachte mich nicht aus der Distanz, sieh nicht mein Lächeln an Und denke, dass ich nicht weiß, was unter und hinter mir sei Ich will nicht, dass du ...
7 Seconds [Greek translation]
Μη με βλέπεις απο μακριά, μη κοιτάς το χαμόγελό μου Και νομίζεις πως δε ξέρω τι γίνεται κάτω απο τα μάτια μου Δε θέλω να με βλέπεις και να νομίζεις Πω...
7 Seconds [Hungarian translation]
Ne nézz a távolból, ne figyeld mosolyom, És ne hidd, hogy ami körülöttem történik nem tudom Nem szeretném, ha rám nézel,azt hidd hogy az vagyok, amit ...
7 Seconds [Persian translation]
منو از دور تماشا نکن،به لبخندم نگاه نکن و فکر نکن که نمیشناسم حس حقیقی یدرون خودم را و نمیخواهم که به من نگاه کنی و تصور کنی که من هم مثل تو هستم،نه م...
7 Seconds [Polish translation]
Nie patrz na mnie, nie pozwól, by mój uśmiech cię zmylił Nie zakładaj, że znasz moje prawdziwe uczucia Nie patrz na mnie, myśląc, że jesteśmy tacy sam...
7 Seconds [Portuguese translation]
Não me olhes de cima para baixo1, não confundas o sorriso na minha face Não assumas que conheço as minhas próprias emoções Que o que está em ti não es...
7 Seconds [Romanian translation]
Nu privi în jos, nu privi la zâmbetul meu, Și să nu crezi, că eu nu înțeleg ce se întâmplă, aici Nu vreau să mă privești pe mine, și să mă crezi Ce pă...
7 Seconds [Russian translation]
Не смотри на меня издалека, не смотри на мою улыбку Не думай, что я не знаю, что подо мной и за мной Я не хочу, чтобы ты смотрела на меня и думала Что...
7 Seconds [Serbian translation]
Ne gledaj me iz daljine ne gledaj mi osmeh I da misliš da ne znam šta je ispod i iza mene Ne želim da me gledaš i misliš Šta je u tebi u meni je, šta ...
7 Seconds [Serbian translation]
7 Seconds [Swedish translation]
Titta inte på mig från avstånd,titta inte på mitt leende Och tro att jag inte förstår vad som händer runtom mig Jag vill inte att du ska titta på mig ...
7 Seconds [Turkish translation]
Uzak mesafeden beni görme, gülüşüme bakma Altımda ve arkamda ne olduğunu bilmediğimi düşün Bana bakmanı ve düşünmeni istemiyorum Sende olan şey bende ...
Allah lyrics
Allah allah Allah allahhhh Allah allah Allah allahhhh Souniou borom bi ya wakhidoune kenn la Kenn la kenn la amoul masse Souniou borom bi ya wakhidoun...
Youssou N’Dour
Wolof, French, English, Unknown
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Fuck Me Pumps [Arabic translation]
Cupid [Croatian translation]
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Cupid [Czech translation]
Whitney Houston - I'm Every Woman
Le chant du renne [Reindeer[s] Are Better Than People] lyrics
Azúcar En Un Bowl lyrics
Don't go to strangers lyrics
Don't go to strangers [Spanish translation]
Frozen [OST] - Liebe öffnet Tür'n [Love Is an Open Door]
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Fuck Me Pumps [Turkish translation]
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