Arauco tiene una pena [Levántate, Huenchullán] [English translation]

Songs   2025-03-26 20:40:04

Arauco tiene una pena [Levántate, Huenchullán] [English translation]

Arauco 1 has a sorrow

that I can´t silence,

it´s the injustices of centuries

that everyone sees executed,

no one has remedied this

even if it could be remedied.

Rise, Huenchullán. 2

One day came, from far away

a conqueror thief 3

looking for mountains of gold

that the indians never looked for.

To the indian, there is enough gold

on the sun´s reflections.

Rise, Curimón 4

Then the blood runs,

the indian doesn´t know what to do,

they are going to take away his land,

he has to defend it,

the indian falls down, dead

and the foreigner still stands.

Rise, Manquilef. 5

Wehere did Lautaro 6 go

lost on the blue sky,

and Galvarino´s 7 soul

was carried away on a southern wind,

that´s why, crying, pass

the leather skin of his drum 8

Rise, then, Callfull 9

From year 1400,

the indians are mired in sorrow,

in the shadow of his traditional house

you can see him cry softly

500-year old totora 10

that will never dry up.

Rise, Callupán 11.

Arauco has a sorrow

blacker than its waistcloth,

it´s no longer the Spaniards

who make them cry.

Now it´Chileans themselves

those who steal their bread.

Rise, Pailahuán 12

Now the votes being casted roar,

they are heard for what was repressed,

but the woes of the indian,

why do they remain unheard?

even if in the grave roars

Caupolicán´s 13 voice.

Rise, Huenchullán.

1. Municipality in Chile 2. Jaime Huenchullán, leader of the local Mapuche community that and former political prisoner 3. From Mapuche, meaning "thief" or "bandit" 4. Small precolumbian settlement in Valparaíso province 5. Manuel Manquilef, first indigenous author known to publish texts for both indians and non-indians 6. Historical "Toqui", or war chief, of the Mapuche indians 7. Famous Mapuche warrior 8. The kultrun drum is a typical Mapuche instrument 9. Unsure. There are referencees to "Calfún" or "Callful" as a family name, so possibly a famous Mapuche hero 10. Typha angustifolia, a plant native to Chile 11. Venancio Coñoepán or Callupán, mapuche chief that took part in the Chilean war of independence 12. No idea, sorry13. Famous Mapuche war chief, also mentioned by Rubén Darío in his "Araucana"

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  • country:Chile
  • Languages:Spanish
  • Genre:Folk, Singer-songwriter
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